My bag was laden with enough revision to keep me occupied for at least two days and a healthy collection of music. As such, I spent a happy day working and relaxing, punctuated by occassional jumps when the crowd decided to cheer! Yep, that's right I watched about 15 mins of the days play! oh well, it was lovely to have family time together.
(I even played kind older sister and every now and again lent my camera. The boys are getting pretty good at photography!)
These last few days I have been busy making a birthday pressie for my best friend. I am praying she isn't reading this. If you are Lorz, please stop NOW..
I got the idea for her present off Design sponge and this wallpaper clock.
I thought it would be great fun to modify the design. I therefore took a trip to hobbycraft and bought a clock movement and background paper. 
It was so simple to make. I basically used the templates on Design sponge for the clock face and traced it onto my bacground paper. (I chose a paper that had a nice amount of detail but wasn't too overpowering)
On the blog, the design is for an A3 clock but it worked just as well for A4. I then cut out the pieces of the clock face, stuck them on the paper and got scrapping by printing out elements, cutting pieces of the background paper out and using foam dots to layer them up.
The hardest part was covering the hands of the clock movement and then sticking the whole design to a piece of board and drilling a whole so the clock movement could sit in the middle.
I finished it off by popping it in a slightly distressed frame. I love the end result and will probs make one for my-self.
The best bit was that clock movements cost only £5.00 so apart from time spent it was such a bargain yet looks pretty!
If anyone wants step by step instructions, just comment and i can put them in the next post!
Thanks for stopping by
Loves xxxx