14 January 2010

me is bad blogger.

Happy Thursday.
I am very sorry, I have recently deserted my blog! eeekkk. There is a reason, I promise... I have Been thrown back into school life and realised that perhaps work has to come before blogging every day! grrr....! It's been one weird week cos of the snow. We got back to school ok but everything was slightly chaotic cos there were cars everywhere, trunks, suitcases, you name it. Anywyay that was fine and then my school decided that uniform was suspended for this week cos of the weather, so Monday morning saw the wellies, jumpers and layers and layers of T shirts. Next was the exam which went well. Thank you to so many of you who sent well wishes. Much appreciated.
The week pootled on like that until yesterday when the snow came...It was unreal, in one night we had over 10cm and it was still snowing at midday. It was great fun with school ending early and mass snowball fights! So...with one thing and another blogging has fallen by the wayside! i promise i will try harder next week!
Also, another apology, If I haven't commented on you blog for a while, It's not cos I'm not reading it, just the school system blocks me from commenting on some blogs, no idea why but it's a right pain! i do still love you....promise!
I cannot blog without a photo so here are a few i am using in my art at the moment

I am using pictures of me at christmas over the years and creating a collage type effect using different materials. Very excited about this one.

Anyway thanks for stopping by,

Loves xxxxx


  1. hi abi, glad the exam went ok and ur able to enjoy the snow. we also had alot but it's now gone to mush and so narnia looks more scarey narnia. i went for my job interview today but sadly not offered the job. anyway onwards and upwards, speak soon. get chatting to ur houseparents about coming for a scrapbooking visit.
    Jo xxx

  2. Looking forward to seeing your artwork appearing on the blog! My daughter had the same problem..she tried to show all her friends what I was writing and the school system blocked it :( Hope you are keeping warm!

  3. Glad you got back to school okay and the exam went alright.
    The snow sounds fun for you! Ours melted, then it snowed all of yesterday, but by mid-day it was too warm for it to settle. It melted again and today it's been raining, so it's nearly all gone. Quite a relief really, as we kept having to rearrange all my mum's hospital and dentist appointments etc. At least we got out today!
    Have a good term at school! Enjoy your art project- it sounds good. And, speaking of Art, thanks for the nice comment on my blog today!
    Love the new-look blog and header!

  4. Lovely pics :-) And I love the new-look blog too - though I've always *loved* that photo you had as your header, I hope you've scrapped it muchly? Glad to hear the exam went OK, and that you got back to school fine and have had snowy fun xx

  5. These schools are rubbish at letting us scrapbookers/bloggers blog browse aren't they! Anybody would think we were there to work ;-) Pleased the exam went ok.
    Love the new header btw.

  6. Glad the exam went well - love the bottom pic!
    New blog design is very cute - you find all the good ones Abi!
