24 January 2010

Thankful for...

Today I am in a happy mood and thankful for so many things:
Thankful for sunshine and lovely crisp cold weather so I can take pretty photos. 2. Thankful for my family. They really are the best.

3.Thankful for friends who make me laugh all the time and keep my life relatively sane!

4.Thankful for Music. For being able to listen to it and to play it.

Thankful for knowing a loving God and being able to worship him.
Thankful for this boy who knows all my faults, all my quirks but loves be for all I am.
7. And thankful to all of you have taken the time to come and visit my blog.
Hope u have had an awesome sunday
Loves xxxxxxxx


  1. What sunshine is this??? I have had a lovely Sunday thank you, but it was a rainy one! Gorgeous pic of you and your boy x

  2. Great pictures and great thoughts.. seven reasons for thankfulness is a good many - one for every day in the week! Or maybe they are all for every day...
    You and your Boy look very happy in your photo there.
    I like the turquoise flower - happy colour!
    Thankfulness and happiness - two of life's best!

  3. it has sunshine all the way home from east sussex and a lovely w/e. you and tim are just so lovely as in attractive and dead romantic. did u request the snow?
    Jo xxx

  4. Your photos are so lovely! I was drawn to the music one especially. have a good week Abi.
