28 May 2010

Some very happy news.

Happy Friday and bank holiday weekend to everyone! So sorry I haven't been online for a while. the internet decided to die at school! Very helpful, but at least we all had no distractions from revision! lol! So... the last week, I have had a History exam, it went ok, I think I might have made an error on one of the questions but it was fairly ambiguous so I am hoping the examiner will realise this! Fingers crossed! Also, I am very active member of the christian union at school and it was announced on wednesday that I am CU secretary! I am overjoyed! It is such a blessing that the old committee have chosen me to organise speakers and budget and that I am recognised for my faith! Happy smiles! And.... bigger news, these last few weeks I have been having several prefect interviews. I had my second round interview on monday and today they announced the results. This is something how the dialogue went... Principle: Hi Abi, I would like you to be on the prefect team! Me: Thank you so much sir, (trying to contain my excitement) Principle: I'd also like you... to be the head girl. Me: Thank you so so much ( now trying to contain squeeling!) So.... I can now very happily say with a huge huge smile on my face... I am the HEAD GIRL! On that note, I will take my leave! Lol! Lovesxxxxx PS. lots of blogging goodness to come in between revision! xxx


  1. WOW! That is certainly very happy news! Amazing! Congratulations, Abi - I'm sure you really deserve this, from what we have all come to know about you in the past few months, since we all joined Shimelle's Blogging for Scrapbookers course.
    Do we have to call you "Ma'am" now?

  2. Congratulations! What an honour (Well deserved too) :)

  3. That's fantastic Abi - well done! You must be so happy.
    Hope the exams continue to go well - they'll soon be over now!

  4. whoop head girl, now dont let it go to ur head, ;-)).
    Congrats Jo xxxx
