8 August 2010

Holiday Photos 3:

Happy Sunday

I have unlimited blogging time today as the family are watching the boys in a local cricket match. Much as I love them, the thought of watching cricket brings me out in a cold sweat so I am home alone. Me and the computer and scrapbooking...

So..more holiday pictures. I have so many its crazy. My mum also got a new camera for her birthday so between us we have over 300 pictures. (don't worry, I won't show them all! ha ha!)
The next day of our holiday we went to Mount Vernon. The home of Geroge Washington. It was brilliant looking around his home in the beautiful surroundings.
Looking out over the Potomac River
It was such a pretty house!

After visiting there for the morning we headed out to the Potomac Mills outlet centre. I was literally in seventh heaven! Clothes in America are compartively cheap so we picked up a few bargains from the likes of AeroPostale (american brand, bit like Jack wills but far cheaper!), Abercrombie, Hollister and Gap! Good times!
That evening we celebrated my mums birthday with a very artifcial looking birthday cake. For some reason my mum is an avid baker yet loves the taste of bought shop cake so on her birthday insists we buy her a cake instead of make one! Don't ask! (yes it was as sweet as it looks!)
Whilst birthday supper was cooking she also managed to snap a picture of me in the baking hot garden knitting! (ok, i'm a slow knitter so anything I start now will be finished by winter!)

The next day we headed out to six flags theme park. The biggest boy was utterly overjoyed as he is an adrenelin junky and no jokes went on every ride! My Dad, littlest boy and I took it a few rides at a time and my Mum resolutley refused to go on anything! 
It was so nice to cool down on the flume ride and as it was so hot we dried nice and quickly. Theme parks in America are so different to ones in England. For one they are so clean and tidy and for another they are so big that we didn't stand in a queue longer than 20 mins, as a result the biggest boy completed all the rollercoasters within the morning!
From the title I didn't touch this ride..
Nor this one! (the biggest is sitting on the right hand edge of the second carriage from the left)
As well as a theme park there was also a water park on the same location. Again we manged to fit plenty of rides in including this "half pipe" slide.

A fab two days. Tomorrow is the final installment of holiday pics.. There are hundreds more I could share but trust me you would here till christmas!

Oh and a quick plug for lovely Lizzie. The wonderful lady that she is is offering someone a chance to win a place on one of shimelle's classes. The classes are always incredible and if you have never done one before I would encourage you to go on pop on over to her blog and see if you can bag a class. It closes soon though so be quick!

Thanks for stopping by again. Hope everyone has had a great weekend.

Loves xxxx


  1. what are u knitting? i am crocheting the lucy bag from attic 24. it is growing loads!!!! loving the pictures of the usa again, didnt get to go to george washington's home but i agree it looks pretty. i would def. have avoid those scary rides, more a land lubber me thinks. i would have probably done something unfortunate on the ride.
    Jo xxx
    ps thanx for the lovely comments about my LOs

  2. I wondered what you were knitting as well?? I'm not into the big rides either....I just end up feeling sick!!

  3. I'd love to visit Mount Vernon, you lucky thing! And don't talk to me about Abercrombie..we had to queue for half an hour just to get into the one in London.

    Yes, what's the knitting?

  4. Yes, that is such a pretty house... very classical looking.
    Thanks for the plug for my blog post. I am just sharing a prize that I already have won... believe it or not, I don't know anyone locally that would want to do these online courses! Sad but true... Not even the ladies at my Scrap Club....

  5. Abi I'm loving all of the holiday pics - it would seem that quite a few blog friends have travelled far and wide in these holidays - I'm enjoying myself immensly :-)

  6. Hey, I took nearly 1000 photos on my holiday, 300 is nothing.... *blush!* We visited a theme park on ours too, but luckily none of the rides were quite as scary as the ones you've shown us...
