20 June 2011

Crafted bracelets


True to form I have started on my summer goals.

Red nail varnish- check.
Crafted bracelets- check.

I have had such fun playing around making these the last few days. All are so easy and in most cases super quick.

Blue fabric bracelet- my own design. Simply make a tube of fabric right sides together, turn inside out. fold in half lengthwise then half again. Tie and knot.
Square knot bracelet- tutorial here. Very quick and easy.
Nut bracelet- here. Bit more fiddly.
Friendship bracelet- here. takes quite a long time.

You may have noticed the blog has had a little facelift. What do you think?

Thanks for stopping by

loves xxxxx


  1. Cute bracelets, stunning nails and a great new look :)

  2. Exactly as Beverly said :0)

  3. Love the new look Abi, the blog header is so cute :)

  4. Bet you are enjoying have a little more freedom now exams are over. Love the braclets and the new look blog.

  5. Love the bracelets - and love the facelift :) Thanks for the links, too, might give a couple of them a go! xx
