7 May 2012

The darling buds of May


I want to start something new.. drastic I know!
Each month I want to set myself some projects or goals or ideas and hopes.
Things that I hope will make this month glorious.

I know I am a bit late getting started with May but lets go with it!

In May...

-I want to work on embroidery
-Experiment with linen
-embrace mobile photography
-journal and record more
-write out blog posts by hand (I find I write a lot better with a pen in my hand!)
-I probably won't see the boy so I want to be BUSY
-Fully embrace spring
-read, read, read
-find a new colour to obsess over. Teal is currently my favourite!

What do you hope May will bring for you?



  1. Sounds like you have some good plans! I want to plan some blog posts, use up some more scrapbooking stash so I have an excuse to buy more, and get out of the house more with the kids. All achievable, but we'll see! x

  2. Sounds like you will be busy. I'm hoping the weather will improve and I can be in the garden more.....and I want to finish my knitted bunting.

  3. I admire those goals - and will try to join you on some of them! :)

    Gina X

  4. I am doing an interim postion teaching 5th garders from May 10-June 7 so my goal is to be super organized at home so when i walk in the door I don't have to stress about cooking, cleaning, laundry or BEglorious.
