27 May 2012

Photo Stories


When I scrapbooked, the thing I loved most was documenting the story; the story behind the photos.
The little things that a few years down the line I will have totally forgotten.
Every now and again I am going to use my blog to share some photo stories.
If you want to join in please do and let me know so I can hear your story of your photo.

This photo was taken only last weekend and it looks like a typical shot of me and my siblings.
But what I want to remember is that...

-This was the first time all three of us had been at the same place in several weeks.
-My mum was thrilled to have us "back together again."
-We were enjoying watching the boys play cricket.
-The littlest (who isn't really little any more) had been selected to join his brother in the firsts and was so chuffed.
- This was the middle of May but it was so cold.
-It was amazing to have family time.

These little details are the things I want to remember.


  1. Great photo, I love the vintage look to it. I bet your mum feels strange having you all so grown up. x

  2. I hope throughout your life, you have many days like this, with those that have known you all your years :)
