20 June 2012

Life right now- according to Instagram


I am loving that with the dawn of instagram I have a comprehensive journal of all those little photographic moments I would otherwise have missed! This makes a "right now" post so easy!

This is what my instagram (and the boys) show at the moment.
Right now I am:

(from left to right)
Enjoying walking with the boy and his dog in absolutely stunning scenery.
Smiling every time I see union jack bunting still hanging up! These were hanging up outside a tiny little station.
Spending quality time with this amazing lady who came and visited me on my day off!
Eating stupendous rocky road.
Drinking copious amounts of tea- honestly my tea levels have rocketed since I started teaching.
Planning something for my 300th blog post. Please please please stick around for a week on saturday!
Trying and Failing to learn guitar from the boy.
Gazing at big beautiful skies
Making new summer bracelets from tutorials on Honestly WTF

What are you up to right now?

Abi xx


  1. Such a fun assortment. Love the ones with the guitar.

  2. Really nice pictures!

    TTO has just come in having finally finished up his AS exams. We are off to celebrate

  3. Looks like your summer is going well, I'll definitely be looking out for that post...500 will be up in the next 24 hours on mine ;)

  4. Love the pics of you learning the guitar! I'm glad you were able to smile though you were probably getting frustrated! x
