31 January 2013

Let's sit and have a cup of tea

Lets pretend we are meeting in Durham. I would take you up the cobbled streets to my favourite coffee shop. The wind would push us through the door and we would be greeted by the smell of fresh cake and coffee. 

I would take you upstairs to the comfy sofas and the skylights. I would order tea and chocolate tiffin. We would sit smiling, sipping our drinks, munching on our cakes. 

If were were drinking tea together now this is probably what I would I tell you....

I would tell you that I am so happy to be back for my second term. That I feel settled and at home in this glorious little city. I would laugh as I told you stories about my friends, how we sit all crammed on a bed, gazing at the tiny laptop screen watching Miranda on catch up. 

I would ask you about your uni friends and about student housing. I would tell you that I feel so relieved to have found a house but also scared about having this grown up responsibility. That while it is exciting to be living out next year, I haven't got a clue about heating, bills, water tanks etc. 

I would tell you that I am craving spring days. That jumpers really have had their day. I would lament that in Durham it is unlikely that I will be out of the woolies by May! I would tell you that for the last few days we have had glimpses of spring. That I have been sitting at my desk with the window open and that crazy blustery wind making the papers on my desk flutter. That every now and again standing in the sun there is a bit of warmth. 

As I scraped the last crumbs off my plate and poured a second cup of tea I would tell you about the posts I am planning. How I am fitting writing them in breaks from essays. How blogging is the perfect outlet from academics. I would tell you that I am thankful for kind comments recently and understanding from blog friends. That I want to make my blog better and want to work on new content whilst find the balance with consistency. 

We would chat about scrapbooking. I would ask about your latest layout and the newest paper lines. I would tell you that I am still fascinated by a world I don't really see myself as that involved in anymore. I would chat to you about project life. How it shapes my week. How much I love putting words to photos again. 

We would drink the last dregs of tea and lean back in our chairs. I would tell you that I need to go to the library but the last time I went I forgot my card so had to walk straight back out again leaving my book abandoned. Awkward. 

I would smile and say that I really should be getting back to work but it had been so so nice chatting. I would tell you that I am trying to remember that this year doesn't count for anything. That coffee breaks are good. (For my soul not my wallet)

I would point to this and we would laugh. 

Yes. I think I would have lots to say to you. What would you want to tell me? 


This West London Life said...

Abi, I loved this post and I'd love to have tea and cake with you.

Kirsty.A said...

I wish i could come up to Durham and have that cup of tea with you

Sinead said...

Abi, this is such a lovely post, and definitely I would love to have that cup of tea with you sometime in real life :D If I met you in Durham, I would prbably first thank you for the encouragement to start blogging and for your comments on my first couple of posts - they have really brightened my days! I would tell you about my teaching job, which is very challenging but so rewarding, and I love it. I might mention some of the funny things that my students have done and said over the last few days and weeks :D I would probably share my uni housing experience (there were a few dramatic tales to say the least!) and reassure you that all those scary things like bills and heating will work themselves out. I would chat about how I haven't had much time for crafts or scrapbooking recently, but am hoping to fit in a little bit of time this weekend. Yes, I agree we'd have lots to chat about :D Maybe one day! xxx

Anonymous said...

I love this post! I feel like I'm having that cuppa with you right now ... oh I wish. Skype date SOOOOON please :). Then we can have a virtual cuppa and cake together ! Oh I love how much you are loving life there. God is oh so good. I love you lots, and I want to visit you for sure and go to that coffee shop in the next couple years :D x xx

alexa said...

What a very beautifully written post, Abi. I really do wish I could have a cup of tea with you! Do you think you could start this as a meme?

Fay aka Beautifullily said...

I am so ready for spring too. Love the photo of you in the library, such a great shot. And I'm fine with the hokey cokey being all that it's all about! I've fallen back in love with scrapbooking this year after very little last year. I hope,you come back to it too in the future.

Abi said...

Ooh now that would be fun! I am planning on making it a monthly thing so next month I will try and put a linky in! wish me luck!

Sian said...

Of course, I love that library photo!

A lovely perspective for a post

debs14 said...

I hope we've got vintage cups and mismatched saucers. And I hope that it is homemade cake that we're eating, and I'm definitely going to suggest we have a second slice, maybe we could share that one!
I'll tell you how busy I am at work and how I'm having to do overtime. My boss has been off work for 6 weeks and she's just been signed off for another 3. This may explain my need for more sugary goodness.
As you tell me about your days it will remind me of my children's time at uni and I will know that your mum will be so happy to know you are so settled in your new home. And of course we'll get our diaries out and pencil in a date for meeting up again next month!

Lorraine said...

Thanks for the visit Abi. It was great catching up. Next time I'll treat, ok?

Anonymous said...

What a great idea for a post, I felt like I was right there with you. I like Alexa's idea and am looking forward to the next chat over tea. I'm popping over from Sian's blog and your guest post.

Julia said...

What a fabulous post, I felt I was sipping the tea and munching the cake with you. I would probably ask you for some blogging tips so I could write a beautiful a post as this!

Barbara Eads said...

When I first saw this saying in Scotland a few years ago, it made me laugh! Here in the states, we say "Hokey Pokey!" Just one more way we say things differently. That's what I love about the British blogs I follow!! I learn something new just about every time.