21 January 2013

Project Life- week 3

Oh hello again project life- doesn't the week move fast!

It really interested me the other day when reading Amy's blog to see the conversation around P.L and if to share pages etc. Give it a read- there are some great opinions. 

Here is where I am. I am committed to sharing my P.L each week. I know that for some, PL posts aren't the most interesting and do get tiresome. I totally get that because I found that a lot last year. BUT, to commit to posting each week, I am accountable to keeping this project up. I also know that now I have started PL, I really value the inspiration I get from seeing peeks at other peoples albums.

Another thing that was raised in the comments on Amy's blog was the fact that PL pages are often quite personal. When I started PL at the beginning of January I knew I wanted to blog about it therefore I made the decision that I would only scrapbook those things I would be happy to go on the blog anyway. Obviously there are names of places and people that I will blur for privacy but content wise I wanted my PL to be blog friendly. In any case I hope to make it into a coffee table book so don't really want all my hearts desires written across the pages!

Just to be clear- this doesn't detract from my commitment to being honest in P.L, if a day is hard, a day is hard, but the nitty gritty details of that will be left to my journal!

Thank you Amy for such an interesting conversation- I loved hearing where everyone was with the project!

So after all that waffle on with the pages....

I am still using the Seafoam and the Olive kits and love them. I like the fairly neutral colour scheme with the occasional strong pop of colour. I tried to make my two pages more connected this week. I placed a series of snow photos in all the 3x4 pockets and added journalling too. I also unified the snowy photos by running them all through an action on photoshop.

I'm not too fussed about including something from every day in my layouts. This week was predominantly snow filled so that is the focus! I kept it simple with design, including an instagram photo of our welcome back sign at the beginning of term!

I added another handmade graphic on this second page. House hunting this week was a learning curve and I wanted to reflect that in a simple sentiment. I also included a map and a verse that has helped us through this week. Lots of writing this week but I wanted to record the ups and downs of looking for somewhere to live next year!

Thanks for stopping by!


  1. Have you thought about publishing this stuff as an online mazagine (type thing) rather than individual pages on your blog? It's lovely to see, but sometimes, reading the fonts when the pictures embedded is a little difficult (for me anyway).

    Some options (which I believe are free of charge):

    I think there's some things out there making Apple Newsstand available, but I don't know how much they cost. Keep sharing - it's really quite inspiring what you do and share :-)

  2. I really enjoy taking a look at your week. Love that verse from Proverbs.

  3. I love keeping up with what you're doing as well,Abi....so pleased you found a house.

  4. Love that in the frustrations you were able to stay centered, congrats on finding a house to be your home away from home :)

  5. I must sound like one confused and crazy ditzy lady - but your reasons for sharing are the same ones I have and yet I am also aware of oversahring!

    I have to say, your spreads are looking a whole lot better put together than mine so far. I've made my own templates and I'm struggling with the right look and feel I want for my album. I know what you mean about getting the balance right - it's harder than it looks! And, I feel a bit annoyed that it's not coming together as smootly as I had hoped ... I need patience I think!

    1. Thank you for these kind words Amy! Trust me, when I make it it doesn't feel put together at all! I find that using one of the digital kits helped because the colours tied in well together. I am also trying to keep it fairly neutral so any colours are those of the seafoam kit or the photos. Any elements i am making I am trying to keep simple. I'm sure this will all change though come the middle of the year! Do share your PL, I would love to see your twist on it!

  6. Hi Abi, I like that you are changing around the journaling and photo spaces. Keeps it interesting.
