29 January 2013

Project Life week 4

I know I am a day late. The weekend ran away with me!

Thank you so much for all your kind comments recently about finding a house and tackling project life. I so value your opinions.

Project life this week came together in a few hours. I tend to work on it in one go rather than dip in and out through the week. It has really made me take more pictures with my bigger camera as well as instagram.

For some reason I really like the look of my PL spread this week. I experimented more with using one of the spaces as a filler rather than cramming it all with writing and photos. The two pages don't necessarily join as last weeks did but I have found that using one or two kits makes them cohesive.

I really enjoy adding blog posts into my PL album so copied a lot of the text from my post about the house into the bottom two spaces. I wanted to experiment with putting writing around an object- harder on photoshop than on paper I can tell you! I like the effect though and will probably do it again.

I included a calendar to document the end of the month. For the first time I also used a quote paired with a simple instagram photo.

So safe to say that the boy features heavily on the second page! I'm cool with that. I loved this series of photos and wanted to document them. As a heads up I ran them through an action from the coffee shop blog which gives this soft sepia effect.

I also added in another homemade graphic, "the best". I have made a collection of ombre words and signs that will hopefully be available as another free download in the next month. Exciting!

A month in and I am still really enjoying this project. I still loving the possibilities of the digital elements and the ease of making a layout each week.


  1. Very nice. Let me see... what do I love. The writing around the cup, the calender overlay, and your Beus profile pics. Great stuff. Looks interesting.

  2. another great one, Abi. I love the blog journaling and the text wrapped around the cup...well done, my dear!

  3. The pictures of your boy are great!

  4. What a lovely couple of pages - if he looks as good in real life as he does in sepia, I'd be hanging on in there :). I love how you find time to not just do your PL but also to make your own elements. Now there's a young woman with flair ...

  5. Popped by from Sian's and just had a catch up on your blog Abi - seems I've followed you on and off since that Blogging for Scrapbooker's class... and my how you have grown up! One of my 19 year old daughters just signed for an apartment for next school year - yes, it seems crazy to me!

    I'm so glad you've found PL and a new outlet for the photos and words. I've been toying with the notion for awhile now... just need to get started!

  6. Another gorgeous set of pages Abi! To be honest, I would never have thought myself a digital scrapper, but I can totally see the benefits, especially for something like Project Life, which demands a lot of time and commitment. You are going to have such a beatiful book at the end of the year...I love it! You are seriously talented :D xxx

  7. I am a digital scrapbooker using PhotoShop Elements. I find it fits my life style better than the traditional paper scrapping. I haven't started Project Life yet--maybe next year.

  8. You have a great mix of elements to your pages Abi - I like the amount of journaling you include and your word art is fabulous!
