6 January 2013

Storytelling Sunday- Precious moments

This photo is precious to me. 
It wasn't taken in a fancy studio with great lighting and perfect clothes. It was taken in a field. 
It wasn't taken by a professional but by the boys brother. 
But you know what? It is more precious because of these things. 

I begged the boy for a photo shoot and he grudgingly complied. Because he knew what it meant. He knew I needed to capture the first day of the new year with him. 

We took the photos in the boys favourite place in the world. We ran up the field to capture the sun as it sunk behind the hill. We laughed with his brother as we posed and our hands went numb. His brother took such wonderful pictures that afternoon. He really is a very talented photographer. 

There is a lot of meaning in this photo for me.  The boy and I are standing together in the midst of uni life, no longer teenagers but not really feeling grown up. 
A captured moment at the cusp of the old year and the start of the new. 
A moment where we took photos as family and laughed as we did it. 
A moment which the boy obliged me in doing. 
A moment captured. 
Us, A&T. 
As we are in January 2013.
Just being.  

The moment captured in this photo is oh so precious to me.

This post is part of the lovely Sian's Storytelling Sunday. This year we are focusing on things that are precious to us. 


  1. Such a lovely post Abi. You are clearly besotted with one another, how lucky you have found each other and able to share these milestones. I much prefer this kind of photograph to a studio one, happy, relaxed and in a place which has meaning. Truly precious!

  2. That is a very sweet story with your thoughts and feelings beautifully described :-)

  3. Such a lovely story - and captured perfectly in the photograph - thank you so much for sharing. J xx

  4. It is a very precious shot indeed. Thanks for sharing! Happy 2013. Cheers from Bordeaux, France

  5. I always love seeing new pictures and u guys, ur soooooo pretty together in a very mature and of course manly way for The Boy especially. A beautiful shot to start the year and I can't wait what this year brings for you both,
    Jo xxx

  6. A beautifully worded post.Abi......and a precious photo indeed.

  7. Oh, yes! That certainly is a "precious". A lovely way to start off the year. What could possibly be nicer? You are sending us all on our way with a smile on our faces. Thanks Abi :)

  8. What a gorgeous picture! Even though it was black and white, I had to go back and look at it again because I could just see the green in the field. As I looked at it again, most likely, it's brown for the winter. That's one of the great thing about black and white photos---the viewer imagines the colors. Great way to start 2013 and a tradition!

  9. Awhhh that is so nice, our loves show their love by trying to understand this blogging picture taking frenzy it gives us! xx

  10. It is a really gorgeous picture!

  11. That is such a lovely photo - thanks for sharing xx

  12. What a wonderful shot - I can see why it is the boy's favourite place in the world it is lovely. Glad the boy's brother took the shots, the boy agreed and played along and grateful that you shared it with us :)

  13. What a lovely story x
    What a handsome couple you make, thanks for sharing x

  14. It is a precious photo & precious memories of the photo-taking, too. Thanks for sharing. May your 2013 be filled with love & laughter!

  15. You are so sweet and I agree - it is a fantastic shot of the two of you!

  16. This is a lovely story and the photo is made even more beautiful by the words you've put with it.

  17. What a handsome couple you make, too! It's a lovely photo and will be even more treasured in years to come.

  18. And it will surely become more precious as the years pass, possibly someday being the "precious thing" of a generation yet to come :)

  19. It's a lovely photo & a wonderful photo!

  20. I love that the photograph is in black and white. It makes it seem timeless. What a wonderful shot of the two of you on the cusp of an exciting future. Very precious.

  21. What a lovely photo of you together. Precious indeed.

  22. Lovely photo, and lovely story to accompany it.

  23. Just beautiful. Some of my most precious series of photos involves my husband and I (before we were married) wearing a series of silly hats. They're in black and white, and they always make my heart sing. Maybe 30 years from now you'll feel the same way about these!
