3 January 2013

What to expect from the blog in 2013

I love New Year.
It is such a good excuse to shake things up, have a tidy and start fresh.
This applies to blogging and I love any excuse to look at how I blog and how I can make it better.

So I thought it would be fun to share what sort of posts will be kicking around in 2013...
(And you can get a little insight into how I plan my posts!)

Regular monthly posts: 

What will be staying: 
-Life right now according to instagram.
I find this mid month round up so useful. It is a great way to reflect on those everyday moments and is a way of staying accountable to taking photos with my phone.

-Around here. (end of month photo roundup)
 I always feel strangely sorry for those photos that never make it to the blog posts or are left wandering around a nearly empty memory card. They get popped on this end of month post and have a little lease of life! They sum up my month better than words.

-Storytelling Sunday.
I have enjoyed two years of Storytelling Sunday with Sian and am counting on her continuing it into 2013 because I have a few more stories up my sleeves.

-Simply a moment.
I found this beautiful meme from Alexa only a few months ago. It sucked me in and I am already struck by the beautiful moments that blog friends post. It helps me reflect and seems a fitting project for my one little word.

What will be going:
-"Oh hello..." monthly goals.
These were great fun last year but I have to admit that towards the end of the year I was struggling to come up with new goals that were at least attainable. Time for a change I think!

-Operation Speak Out. I am undecided on this. In the beginning there was a lot of enthusiasm for a day of commenting each month. This started to dwindle and I too lost enthusiasm. I am toying with the idea of doing it once a quarter or twice a year? What do you think?

The new kids on the block: 
- Playlist
Now that the monthly goals are scrapped I wanted something to kick off the month and decided on a monthly "playlist". This will be a quick list of what I am listening to, reading, planning and wearing. If there is enough interest I may include a linky for you guys to join in too.

-Let's sit and have a cup of tea.
Now this isn't really new because I started this type of reflective post back here. I really liked the format and I liked that I shared a bit of what was on my mind and heart. I want to continue this into the new year.

So in short you can expect six regular posts a month. (This is pretty much what happens now, give or take, and I find this balance works well for me. I have to have some continuity and regularity to keep me happy!)

Other posts:
Obviously these cannot be planned in the same way as the regular ones but these are topics and themes I am excited to write about in 2013:

- 20 for 20 projects- My possibly ambitious idea to create 20 tutorials by my 21st.
- Stories behind the photos
-Uni life
-Inspiration and craft ideas
-Keeping it real- Life isn't perfect. I don't want the blog to look like everything is. Keeping it real friends. This is important to me.
-Photoshop DIY's- I love photoshop and am excited to share some of my basic knowledge with you.
-The boy
- free downloads- I made my first one and loved the process. Hopefully more to come in 2013.

This is by no means a definitive list! I generally blog about what I enjoy and what I think you guys may be interested in and enjoy.

I have also really enjoyed a spot of blog hopping this past year and am excited for the possibility of that coming up in 2013.

So a busy blog schedule but one I am really looking forward to.

In accordance with my one little word for this year, I am trying to make a deliberate effort to be more present. Therefore I hope you understand that there will be times when I am snowed down with work or need to focus on the "real world" outside of the blog. I have decided to make my six regular posts my priority and unless something serious happens these will be posted every month. I really aim to post more often than this and hopefully that will happen, but, I need to be clear that blogging may slow down when life speeds up! 


  1. SO excited to see what you get up to over the next year. You inspire me! Very understandable that life speeds and blogging slows though... :) x

  2. Looks like you have some interesting things planned on the blog front,Abi.
    I think maybe 'operation speak out' could become quarterly....I liked that it reminded me to sometimes make a proper effort to comment!!

  3. Thanks for the preview ;) I would be sad if I thought blogging ever got in the way of real life. I think Operation Speak Out was a lovely idea but I comment 95% of the time anyway. I am excited about your tutorials especially for Photoshop!!!

  4. So happy to hear ur plans for blogging in 2013, I'll be organising my blog a bit more I think this year. Making dates etc to blog specific events like my Project Life. Looking forward to another 12 months of blog friendship and fun,
    Jo xxxx

  5. What a great post. It spurred me to take a look at what I do on a weekly, monthly and semi-regular basis. I'll be doing a similar post soon.

  6. I'm impressed with your organization. I've always hesitated to create a schedule for my blog although I'm sure it would be more consistent if I did. I think some of my intentions for 2013 will produce some regular blog posts. We'll see.

  7. You have clearly done a lot of thinking and clear planning, Abi, and I personally will be delighted with whatever you can come up with in the way of posts this year,regardless of how often we 'see' you :).

  8. Sounds like you have a great plan! I love your photo of the mug on the map. And I'll be interested in the Photoshop tutorials. And I like seeing all the lovely snippets of your life through photography! Here's to a great 2013. x
