27 February 2013

Around Here- February edition

This is what life has looked like in February. Plenty of walks along the river bank, spending time with friends, a wonderful trip to Edinburgh, hanging out with this guy and settling into term two of Durham.

My around here pictures are the orphaned photos left behind on memory cards. The pictures that didn't quite make it to the blog post or the album. They are imperfect, they are blurry. They capture now.

If you could sum your month up in one photo, what would it be? 

P.S Tomorrow I am going to post "lets sit down and have a cup of tea". This month I am going to try and add a linky if you would like to join in and share what you would say whilst sipping on your favourite brew! 


  1. It would be the one I posted last week of those two men and the bow tie. I like your shot of the Castle

  2. Hm...photo that sums up my month...I'll have to think on that one. I love your idea for a link-up for tomorrow, and already have a post written. I'll watch for yours to publish and then I'll come link up. Thanks, Abi! :o)

  3. That's such a great idea, Abi - I loved your last one :). Happy orphans, though? I like blurry. Sharp edges and focus are overrated!

  4. What a neat picture of the castle. I'm looking forward to your cup of tea post later today, I so enjoyed the last one. Hmmm, a picture to sum up my month would have to be a snow one.

  5. I love that photo of your boy!
    If there was one photo to sum up my month, it would be that picture of Paul, Henry and I at his last regular season soccer game.
