18 February 2013

Simply a Moment

It has been a long day and my heart is sad that I have no tea bags left to make myself a brew when I get in. 

I should just head to the supermarket I think, but then again know I will be tempted by the chocolate aisle. 

As per usual after supper I head with my friends to check the pigeon holes for post. We are still innocently expectant each day, even when we know we haven't ordered anything or are expecting any post. 

Underneath each pigeon hole is a cupboard for larger parcels. More out of habit I check it and like normal there isn't anything there. 

I turn to leave but my friend seems insistent that I check again. 

This is odd I think. So I do. I still can't see anything. She laughs and points.

There in the back corner is a little box with a little note, tied up in green ribbon. 

I am so thankful to have such good friends. Friends who know that a little act like giving a box of fresh teabags can so brighten my day. 

This was a simple but blessed moment in my day last week, what was yours? 

Today I am joining in with Alexa's lovely meme, "Simply a Moment". Do stop by her blog and join in. 


  1. what lovely friends you have! Isn't it strange how something seemingly so small can have such a big impact?

  2. How great that you have such thoughtful friends, especially when you're away from home.

  3. A great friend with great timing, thanks for sharing the moment :)

  4. I loved getting mail when I was at University. Would love to read even more description of your experience.

  5. What a lovely treat! You have wonderful friends.

  6. How perfect an ending to your lovely story is this - tea, loving friends and a surprise all rolled into one! You've brought a smile to my face already today ... Thank-you so much for linking up again this month, and I continue to be in awe of the number of things you fit in to your rich and full life :).

  7. This is such a wonderful moment Abi...Tea and friends, made for each other.
