10 February 2013

The Cathedral Library

This space is a good place to work in.
My friend and I discovered the library on a whim. We were walking through the cloisters, feeling the  wind whip at our coats. We saw the old sign and the heavy wooden door and decided to investigate.

We are so so glad we did. This was where the monks used to sleep. Over a hundred of them. It is a cavernous room, weighted with history.

Modern text books sit side by side with huge manuscripts. The shelves tower up the ceiling with ladders next to them and small notices asking you to not touch.

The room is flooded with light from the huge window at the far end and along the side.

It is like stepping into Hogwarts. The library is a hidden gem of a place, up a staircase and through a low door.

The room is peaceful. I think because it is in the heart of the cathedral. As we sit working, the bells chime the quarter hour, their peels echoing through the huge space.

Tourists often come and visit, their heels ringing across the wooden floor. I don't blame them. The library is wonderful to look around.

My favourite space to work is in between the bookshelves. I go down towards the quieter end of the long gallery. There is a lamp for each desk and just one chair so lots of space to spread out.

I have to remember to come prepared because it is freezing. I normally wear three jumpers but still huddle close to the radiator and try to block out the draught from the window next to the desk.

It is a good place to work. There is no internet, no distractions. I can hide away between the shelves and study.

And when I want a break I gaze out of the window to my right, at the cathedral garden and Durham stretching out beneath me.

P.S My lovely blog friend Sinead has just started her own blog over here. Do go and check it out. She is the sweetest thing and writes good stuff!


humel said...

It looks amazing, Abi - what a history-steeped setting to work in! :)

This West London Life said...

If it were me, I'd be there every day, whether I needed to study or not! I must ask The Brainy One if he remembers it.

Maria Ontiveros said...

I love that first photograph, the shafts of life are incredible.

Sian said...

A new and beautiful library to discover? what could be better? We had one in an old chapel too, and it had a special, unique quietness about it. It wasn't as lovely as this one though!

Karen said...

What a beautiful place! Reading in an inspired space makes studying so much more pleasant.

debs14 said...

You can feel the atmosphere by just looking at your photos Abi, what a lovely place to find solitude when you want to spend time in peaceful study. How lucky you are to have found it.

scrappyjacky said...

What a wonderful looking place....your photos are so atmospheric.....I can see why you love it there.

Sinead said...

Wow Abi! This looks like an amazingly special and atmospheric place - definitely a unique place to study. I also LOVE your photos, the light breaking through is so cool.
Thanks SO much for mentioning me and my new blog - you're the best! I really appreciate it.