1 March 2013

graze box- review

So, this isn't going to be a regular thing. This is what we might call a one time only! Make the most of it friends... I am doing a review!

It seems in my college that graze boxes are all the rage. Lots of my friends had ordered them and when a friend on my corridor gave me a voucher for a free box I thought I would give them a try.

What is graze? 

Graze boxes are small boxes containing four little pots of snacks. The boxes are small enough to fit through your letter box and you order them online.

Once creating an account you then spend a happy half hour going through the lists of snacks available. The snacks totally vary. There are seeds, nuts, dried fruit, croutons, flapjack, brownies, popcorn, you name it.

There is a photo of each snack, how nutritionally good it is and then under each snack are four boxes. Love, like, try and bin. Essentially you go through the snacks rating them. If you bin an item they promise never to send it to you. You can also tick a box for "send soon" if you really fancy the look of one of the snacks!

You then set up deliveries. Most people I know have a box once a week,  but there is an option for once a fortnight, twice a week or a one off.

The exciting part is that you don't know what will be in your box. Graze try and put in the things you have clicked love for but they also try and keep it balanced and healthy between the four snacks.

What did I get in my box? 

Now there is a funny story here. I ordered a box for myself to try it out and then my mum ordered me a box as a surprise so I had two in the space of a week!

My first box had:

  • Boston Baguettes- Little tomato breadsticks with a BBQ relish. I loved the breadsticks but wasn't so keen on the relish. 
  • Black pepper popcorn- this was so cute! The popcorn was made in the microwave and it filled a whole bowl! So tasty too.
  • Apple and toffee sauce- dried apple with a toffee dip. This was one of my favourites. Delicious.
  • Fiery seeds- a mixture of sunflower, pumpkin seeds. They were more spicy than I thought they would be but still nice. 

My second box had: 
  • Apple and Cinnamon flapjack- three little flapjacks. They filled a mid morning hole and you could really taste the apple and cinnamon. 
  • Bruschetta- man this was amazing! The snack was made up of roasted cashews, olive croutons and tomato breadsticks. So good. 
  • Seed mix- this one was ok. It felt very healthy but it was pretty boring. My friend loved it though so clearly personal taste!
  • Cookies and cream- white chocolate buttons, cookie, hazelnuts and seeds. I liked the chocolate and hazelnuts but the combination was a bit weird! 

After recieving the box you can go back on the website and rate the snacks you had. I would probably bin the plain seeds and move the bruschetta to a love rating!

How much?

each box is £3.89. 


I liked the surprise factor of graze. It was so much fun to get snacks in the post and then guess what I had received. I am a fussy eater and I found a lot on the site to tempt me. 

Most of the snacks I got were really tasty. The portions aren't huge. The box is about A5 size and there are four snacks in there. 

It was expensive. For a student it was just a bit too much than I was prepared to spend. I doubt I spend four pounds a week on snacks anyway so for the novelty factor it was a bit much especially as the snacks weren't huge. 

Although they are all healthy snacks, it sort of made me feel like it was ok to snack when actually what I should have done was just have a big cup of tea! 

It was very easy to cancel my order. I still have an account but have canceled any further orders. Once we get to exams I would be tempted to order a one off box to get me through that revision! 

A little gift

So because I am kind, (you can thank me later) I want to offer you the same offer I got. If you click on the link below you can make an account and get your first box free. There isn't any obligation to keep buying after your first box- trust me I read the small print several times! 

Also if you click on my link I get a pound off my next box. I am a student folks. It would be a kind thing to do! ha ha! Joking aside, it's always fun to get something for nothing but please don't feel like you have to. 

I'm afraid graze only post to the UK. International readers, do you have similar companies? 

Have any of you used graze before? What are your opinions? 


This West London Life said...

We tried them out a couple of years ago (through Mel's recommendation, I seem to recall) and thought it was a good idea. If we were going to snack, then the healthier option was better than chocolate or crisps. Trouble was, we didn't eat enough of them and ended up with a stockpile in the cupboard! And that was the end of our graze experience.

Deb @ PaperTurtle said...

I am really glad you posted this, Abi, because I have heard a few of my UK friends mention Graze on their blogs, but I had no idea what it was about. As far as I know, there's nothing like this in the US.

Beverly said...

I remember Graze boxes well from a few years ago with Mel. Nice idea but does seem pricey. I am all about buying in bulk and then repackaging in snack size. I don't think there's an equivalent in the US.

Sian said...

I showed this to TTO and he said - next year, Mum, next year. And,yes, I think that sounds like a plan. A nice little treat!