25 March 2013

Project life week 12

I LOVE how project life turned out this week! I don't really recall doing anything different but for some reason the colours and the photos worked well.

And week 12 friends...week 12, hasn't it flown!

Lots of big camera photos this week from taking photos of projects.
I ran the photo of the weaving through one of my favourite actions to give it a cross processed effect.
I am especially pleased with the three small photos on the right hand layout. I decided to incorporate close ups of my finished weaving and took three photos with the purpose of adding them to the album like this.

Compared to usual there isn't too much journalling this week. I wrote a small card about visiting the boy this week and added detail about my weaving project (more on the blog tomorrow).

I also experimented with using a blurry photo as the background for some text about my origami project and really like how this turned out.

I can't get enough of those watercolour brushes. I used one as the background for the creativity quote and as an area to journal on the top left hand picture on the second page.

As this project goes on I am becoming more aware of uniting colours across my pages. Therefore for the creativity quote I took the colour of the journalling card next to it and painted the background in the same colour.

My friends and I group skyped the other night so I thought it would be fun to include a screen shot of that

I hand drew around the journalling on the origami photo. I am really pleased with the combination of capitals, blurred background and wobbly lines!

Anything else: 
It was fun this week to add photos without any journalling or explanation. I am learning to use more white space within my layouts!

I am enjoying doing this project at home, maybe because I have more time or more opportunity to take photos!

On Wednesday I am sitting down for a cup of tea and a chat with you all again. It was so good to see you all join in last month, it would be good to hear your news again for this month! See you then...


  1. Love it Abi, I agree that the colours look really gorgeous and co-ordinated this week! The more I see of your Project Life, the more I wish I had undertaken a project like this...maybe next year! Looking forward to hearing more about your weaving tomorrow and I hope to join in the cup of tea post on Wednesday xxx

  2. Like Sinead, your digital Project Life is making me reassess whether or not I want to try this next year. I'm not sure during an ordinary week, there's be enough for a two page spread but maybe it doesn't need to be weekly, or even two pages. I just love what you're doing with this.

    1. Thank you to both of you for your kind comments! Go for it! I am really going on the line of what works for me with PL. If once a week is too much I think once a month could be brilliant too.

  3. Oooh, weaving! I loved weaving when I was little - we used to make looms from flat bits of card. It is coming along nicely and very evenly too. Glad that you and The Boy had a chance to catch up with each other :).
