15 April 2013

On the hilltops

It's after supper.
We are sitting around the table, full from homemade shepherds pie and apple crumble- the staple of British comfort food.
My friends from uni are here. We grin at each other, glad to be together again, to be sharing a part of our lives with each other, for me to be sharing home with them.

The evening sun streams in. It is glorious to have these extra hours of daylight now after six. For the first time in what feels like weeks the weather is good. The temperature is rising and there is a break between showers.

It's too good an opportunity to miss. The girls and I search through the cupboard finding the obligatory collection of wellies, finding ones that fit, ones that we had forgotten we had. We grab cameras and coats and set off with purpose. Determined to beat both the sunset and the rain.

We pace up the hill. The air is still and the ground is boggy from the wet week. We take photos as we go. We climb up the hills, the view getting better with each ascent.

We laugh together, we chat about Durham, about friends, about plans, about dreams.

We don't really know the route, we just keep following the field upwards and over each stile. We pause for a minute and take in the view. My home.

The sun is sinking lower as we climb over the last fence and join the road leading to the reservoir. A secret gem in the middle of nowhere. A huge expanse of water hidden by the trees. I like this place. In the fading light it is both eery and magical.

We quietly gaze over the water and then turn and head for home, arms linked, sun now nearly behind the trees and the first fat drops of rain starting to fall.

Today I am joining in with Alexa's beautiful meme, "Simply a Moment." Do stop by her blog to read both Alexa's words and other bloggers as they record their moments. 


  1. I love a simple story and one about friendship and crumble can't be bad. Thanx for sharing Abi,
    Love Jo xxx

  2. oh sadly I did expect a piece of The Lonely goatheard to get a mention but obviously I'm the sad one who would sing that on a walk up a hill heehee,
    Jo xxx

  3. What a lovely post. And aren't you blessed to have found such good friends at uni? People who have fitted into your life so well and who you know will remain in your life long after uni has finished.

  4. Abi, your photography is beautifully evocative and so wonderfully good at conveying a part of your story.

  5. That last photo is absolutely gorgeous! Thanks for sharing your moment and description of your home.

  6. This is so lovely Abi! Gorgeous photos and a really special moment to share with friends xx

  7. This is a beautiful post, it made me smile. I'm blessed to know you girls :) x

    1. Thank you Hannah! So looking forward to seeing you again soon!

  8. Such lovely words full of friendship, confidence and hope! And your photos, both of your beloved landscape and your friends, also speak volumes ... Thank-you, Abi, for linking in :). Your fresh energy and appreciation of life is always a tonic.

  9. Oh this is such a beautiful moment Abi. and your pictures are just perfect with it.

  10. beautiful photos, beautiful story. thanks for sharing!

  11. Each picture is a treasure in and of itself, and I'm guessing the conversations during your walk are even more precious.

  12. A lovely moment spent with close friends is always special no matter where you are.

  13. That last photo is simply fabulous! You should print and frame it!

  14. I really enjoyed your Simply a moment, Abi; beautiful story and super beautiful pictures, you're a lucky girl, living in this fabulous environment and with these close friends!!

  15. Lovely story and photos - with such nice details. Thanks for sharing.

  16. Beautiful photos and writing to go with them :)

  17. Beautiful shots and a lovely moment. It's always good to be surrounded by friends. Thanks for sharing.

  18. What a beautiful post and that last shot is gorgeous.

  19. I am so late to the party this month - so sorry! I have really enjoyed reading your moment - so very beautiful - there really is nothing better than friendship , and sucjh beautiful photos to go with your moment - thank you so much for sharing. J xx
