1 April 2013

Project life free download

For a while I have been playing around with making my own elements for project life. 
Often there are sentiments I want to convey or colours I want to use on my spreads that I can't find anywhere else. 

Since purchasing a graphics tablet I have also been working on combining traditional fonts with handwriting. I knew the extent of my playing around was getting a bit silly when my computer files contained more half finished project life cards than anything else! 

So... I took the bull by the horns and went all out to make a cohesive project life set for myself and for you guys. Don't say I don't treat you!

So, here it is. My first, ( I write in anticpation that I will probably make another!) set of project life cards. I chose the colours, partly because I have found these work well on spreads, but also because they coordinate with both the seafoam and olive kits which I use a lot. 
The set is called "Carefree Afternoon"

All the designs are my own. I used watercolour brushes from several different sources and a font from here. All script font is my own handwriting. 

The download is entirely free. Just click on the link and you should see a file with all of the cards in. Download one, download the whole file I don't mind. What I do ask though is that this is just for private use. If you put the cards on your blog I would really appreciate it if you linked back to me. I would be honoured if you pinned them too but again please link back to here! Thank you! 

Enjoy friends. 


  1. I love these Abi they are really professional and perfect colours for spring and my blog incidentally. You must have worked really hard to make them so thank you very much. I will be using the Today was hard one for writing some of Bipolar Project life cards. I wasn't sure what to use up until now but now I do,
    Lots of love Jo xxx

  2. ah - love those!!! I don't do PL but I can use them on my Layouts of course! xxx

  3. They are brilliant Abi and I love the colours. Well done and thank you

  4. These are lovely,Abi...thanks for sharing them!
    Alison xx

  5. They're great Abi! Thanks so much for sharing them.

  6. Just found this on Pinterest. They are so cute and very usable. Thanks.

  7. They are just LOVELY! Thank you!

  8. Thank you very much can not wait to try them out
