29 April 2013

Project Life- week 17

So I missed posting last weeks project life. I made it but it never got up on the blog. I'm not stressing over it. Sometimes life gets in the way! Just trust in the fact that it was fabulous (wink!)

But I was super organised this week and have week 17 all ready to go. Lets stop for a second though and just say... week 17! This book has 34 pages already.

I feel like I am doing well on the photo front the last few weeks. Lots of SLR photos this week from our evening walks. There is also a fun series of photos  from the Durham duck race. I think I am going to do a separate post on this because it was bizarre! A few instagrams made it into this weeks spread including a stunning sunset and the bargain of the century. Our college shop was selling off chocolate that was past its sell by date. We managed to get 120 freddos for £2.40! This was definitely project life worthy!

In many ways there weren't too many stories that needed to be told this week. Lots of the photos therefore have wrap around tags or a bit of handwriting. I did write a longer section on the boy being away for the week and really like how the a&t graphic at the top came out.

I am really enjoying splitting a photo across two spaces. It worked well for this slightly blurry photo of me and my tea. Another effect I have used lots before is adding in a quote. This one summed up my week quite well. I also added some of my own handwriting to some graphic sentiments like the "happiness" is tag on the bottom left photo.

Anything else:
There is a journalling card blurred out on this spread. I try not to blur sections of my project life out because for me project life isn't really a private diary. That said, this week was dominated by the boy being away in the states and I wanted to record portions of our emails to each other. Funnily this was the first week I wished I was doing the paper version because I would have loved to print out the emails and slip them in the top pocket. Instead I cropped words, sentiments and signatures from our respective emails and added them to this journalling card. Naturally these are quite private so, I'm sorry, this week there is a blurred space!

Another week down folks!

P.S there is still time to join me for a virtual cuppa below if you are so inclined!


  1. It looks great Abi. I love how you've included a picture of the tea cup. Well done on being so up to date - I'm still working on February.

  2. The picture across two photos is so very effective. I love it!

  3. I have a mammoth pile of stuff to actually put into my Project life album but I've had to have a serious rethink about the whole process. Glad ur enjoying the project too,
    Jo xxx

  4. Lovely mixture of items and plenty of white space too ... Love that teacup photo and your quote from Sark really spoke to me :).

  5. Abi, I was only thinking the same thing last week ... I have stuck with this for 17 weeks and wow! 17 weeks, where is the year going?!
    I also really like seeing a picture span over the two masks - it's very effective.
