15 May 2013

One May evening

It has been a long day. 
I missed my connection and so my train is getting in half an hour later. It's funny the difference a seven on the clock makes to my mind. I am suddenly weary. 
Nevertheless my heart has started its little bass line as the train gets closer to my destination. 
I look down at my feet and remember him telling me that the train won't get there faster if I am pushing. 

I pick up my bag far too early and wait for too long by the doors. 
Finally we crawl into the station and stop. I pull my backpack over my shoulders and join the crowds streaming from the train. 

I fumble to get my ticket out at the barrier. I can't see him yet. And then as I round the corner he is there, a smile playing across his lips. I don't remember walking the final few feet to get to him. I am just there, his arms around me, his hands lifting the bag from my shoulders. 

We walk away from the station, talk interspersed with laughter. It is later now and I am hungry. His hand on my waist directs me into the warm Indian restaurant and we take our seats... 

I am feeling relaxed and full and sleepy. It is the most beautiful evening and we take our time strolling back to the boys house. We pass the green exterior of Maddisons ice cream parlour. He looks at me and laughs. 

There is such an array of ice cream that I am stumped at first. Finally we settle. Mango for her, white chocolate for him. As we leave I wave my phone asking for a picture. There is the sigh of long suffering as he grabs the camera. 
I stand holding two ice creams with a rucksack on my back, smilingly goofily at this special man. One May evening, him and her, the.best. 

Today I am joining in with Alexa's beautiful meme, "Simply a Moment." Do stop by her blog to read both Alexa's words and other bloggers as they record their moments. 


This West London Life said...

I smiled all the way through this post!

debs14 said...

What a great description of your day. I could feel your excitement as you saw him there waiting for you!

Maria Ontiveros said...

So, so sweet. You two really are blessed to have each other.

Kirsty.A said...

Lovely. I really do admire your ability to write so descriptively in the present tense. I find that so hard

JO SOWERBY said...

Awww romance warms my heart. So glad he is home safe and sound and you can enjoy time, romance and icecream together. What more could a beautiful girl and a handsome boy want today?
Jo xxx

Deb @ PaperTurtle said...

So beautifully written, Abi. I loved your moment in May post! xo

Irene said...

Such a happy moment to record. There is always something exciting about being met off a train whatever one's age. Those ice creams look delicious!

Miriam said...

Simply beautiful Abi.

alexa said...

Just wonderfully life-enhancing and spirit-lifting, Abi! A delight to read, and I am so glad to have popped in :). Thank-you so much for adding your Simple Moment this month...

Becky said...

A lovely post and a very happy photo:-)

Sinead said...

This is such a special moment Abi, your writing is beautiful and you capture the emotions and the experience of waiting and excitement so beautifully! You are lucky to have such a wonderful boy in your life :D xxx