29 June 2013

Managing your blogs on bloglovin

There have been a few online conversations recently about the demise of google reader and the switch to other platforms. I never used google reader so my opinion of bloglovin is probably skewed. That said, I am really enjoying the platform and find it has made my blog reading so much easier.

One thing I would say with bloglovin though is that there are some great features which are quite hidden. For instance I found out a few days back that you can manage your blogs on bloglovin. This has totally changed how I read blogs.

I am fairly new to using a reader so there were points when I logged onto bloglovin to find that I had over seventy unread posts. I freaked.

Now I am managing my blogs the reading is more contained! I know bloglovin isn't the best to get your head around though so as a bit of fun I have recorded a video to show how to manage blogs and how it has changed what I read when.

I am a bit nervous posting this as for the first time you get to hear my voice (and my awkward rambling!) You may need to push the sound up too! Enjoy! 

bloglovin managing from Abigail Beach on Vimeo.


  1. That was a great video as I don't manage my blogs in bloglovin at all though I used to in google reader thanks Abi. Your blog is always so sweet and your voice is exactly as I expected it to sound xxx

  2. This is such a useful post Abi - and I loved hearing your voice 'in real life'!
    I never used 'reader' seriously but relied on the 'blogs I follow' section of my own blog to see what had updated, but I am trying to use Bloglivin properly from now on!

  3. I loved hearing your voice too. And I'm admiring your technical ability too..this is very clever (not to mention useful..)

  4. Thank you SO much for this Abi! I find it really helpful, as I've not had very much time to read blogs recently, and it's now at the stage where I have over 100 unread posts. This also means I'm not getting to comment on blogs as much as I should or would like to either. Going to organise my blogs right now :) xxxxx
    P.S. You sound just as lovely as I'd imagined!

  5. Yes you sound just lovely Abi. Bloglovin seems to be working fine for me, I never used Google reader either...

  6. Like Deb I too do not use reader, just rely on the 'blogs I am reading' part of blogger. However that does make a lot of sense and I am tempted to give it a ago, although that would then be another site to visit but I guess it would save me missing posts that poeple write, which I seem to be doing lately!
    Thank you for the video, so easy to understand

  7. Great video! I really like feedly which is what I switched to after reader.

  8. This is great, I a liking bloglovin' but that is a great way to sort and you have shown me what the othe buttons. If you find anything else please feel free to share as the video was just right :0)

  9. I loved hearing your voice, and it's a great tutorial. I've been using Feedly since March and love it. The number of unread blogs when I returned from being away for over two weeks was frightening. I still haven't caught up with some of the categories.

  10. Wow you sound amazing Abi. So lovely to put a voice to a friend. I love that I can do this on Bloglovin especially for the class I am doing where part of my job is to read lots of the blogs, comment and add them to the Pinterest site and also send to Kristin,
    Jo xxxx

  11. Great video Abi and lovely to hear your voice. I don't use a reader but I might just look into this so, thank you :)

  12. You have a lovely voice, Abi, and although I don't use Bloglovin I listened all the way for the sheer pleasure of it! Now, if you could just do another one showing us how you did the first ...:)

  13. I loved watching your video, Abi, and hearing your sweet voice was such a treat. Thanks for the great tutorial! My love of Bloglovin increased after our Facebook conversation, and this video helped even more. :o)

  14. That was a great video Abi. Makes me wish I'd stuck with Bloglovin instead of going over to Feedly. By the way - loved hearing your voice.
