13 June 2013

Project Life- week 23

Week 23 folks. So week 22 didn't get posted but it did get made. 
Onwards though with this week. 

Mostly instagram photos this week. I love that top left photo of the cathedral. One evening last week we found a good hill and watched the sun set over Durham, cuddled up in quilts with a flask of hot chocolate. I am also in love with the series of photos of the boy and me. I will do a proper post on them in the next week or so.

The left hand page documents our sunset walk and things that have made me happy. The journalling card is from the "Olive" edition P.L kit and I enjoyed writing to that "happiness is.." prompt.

The right hand page is all about the week of mission I did with my church called "June Project". I wanted to document how I found the week and also to include some song lyrics that really spoke to me.

I am still trying to change it up a little each week. But often fall back on my old favourites like that watercolour stamp, writing directly on photos and wrap around tags. At the end of the day I think these are effects I would use the most if I was doing PL in paper form.

Anything else: 
So I just got all cool and made a QR code! (Basically this is a code that can be scanned with a smartphone which then links to a web page.) My church made an amazing video which summed up all we did during the mission week. I wanted to include that link so thought it would be fun to add this code. It was so easy to make, I just typed "QR code generator" into google and then copy and pasted the URL into it.

If you want to watch the video it is here. See if you can spot me!

I think I am finding my mojo again with this project. Possibly because my photos are sunnier, brighter and generally more fun!


  1. Lovely to see your June project in action - hard to spot you though! Was that you holding the card at the start? And face painting later? Glad to hear your enthusiasm is returning :). Your pages look happier too and the you and him photos are lovely ...

  2. its a real joy seeing your PL pages
