22 June 2013

Project Life week 24

The uni term has finished so I am so behind with getting project life up but having just downloaded the latest issue of Jot magazine- go check it out- I was inspired to get this weeks spread up on the blog.

It was another of those weeks that I love, when the photo pile is so big I am with wondering how to include them all rather than scrape around for photos I don't have. It makes me laugh how my uni friends now get project life to the extent that one of them came up to me last week and was wondering how I was going to be able to include everything that had happened as we had so many pictures from the last week!

The first spread documents two events, my college day and our trip to York. The college day is essentially a garden fete with big inflatables, pimms on the lawn and live music. We were all given matching t shirts so it was fun to include the photos of that.

The second spread documents the Summer Ball and a trip to the Beach with my small group from Church. One of the reasons I enjoy project life is that it doesn't just record the main events. This week was full of big events but next week really won't be and I like the fact that the everyday and the occasions sit side by side.

Not  a huge amount as I wanted the photos to do the talking. I wrote a little bit about the ball, a bit about college day and then added labels and sentences to the rest. I still really enjoy writing directly onto a photo.

I made my own quote card out of a fun photo of my friend on an inflatable. The quote is repeated across the black and white photo and says "the best thing to hold onto in life is each other."
I changed a few photos to black and white because I sometimes think it gives more impact.

Anything else: 
Still loving this project and feel like I have got back into the groove again. I am interested to see how the project will pan out over the long summer break.

If you are doing project life are you enjoying it? Have you discovered Jot magazine. I felt very honoured to be friends with some of the contributors in it!


  1. I haven't been able to follow all your weeks of P.L. - but it's obvious you're having a great time with it; probably because you're obviously having such a fab time at Uni! I'm so glad you are happy and enjoying your time there. Durham looks like a great city to be at Uni. Maybe we'll visit it this summer, as we have some time at Berwick in a few weeks... But I guess you will be down south, with your family, so we'd miss you!
    Love the photos and the layout too. It's fun that your friends are supporting your project and reminding you of photo opportunities etc.

  2. I like the one each week is recorded whether monumental or not (although I don't do PL) I was amazed at how much content is in JOT and felt rather cool knowing two of the talented contributors ;)

  3. Just downloaded the magazine, it was fun to read about people i actually knew for once! lovely spread, i need to round my corners more!

  4. Loving your Pl pages. Glad you have finished UNI , now time to enjoy the summer, you are obviously bringing it down south with you then?

  5. You have eloquently articulated how I feel about PL (again)as it is the variety which is hooking me completely. As our seasons are in reverse, I started PL in the summer and I found it very hard to include all the photos I wanted. I felt I had to have so many on each page and I didn't want to add in extra inserts/pages as I know I will have a page limit once I come to print my book - I am also including month in numbers and simply a moment pages - so, my summer holiday pages are the ones I have the most difficulty with design wise.
    Next year I will be ruthless, the best shot or the shot that tells most of the story will be the one to include ... not every teeny tiny detail! I think I was in beginner excitement overdrive too!

    1. I think I found that too but with journalling. My first pages are packed with words but that has lessened as I have got into it! Funny to see how a style changes!

  6. I'm delighted that you have enjoyed Jot :) Amazing to think that you have half an album, half a year, already

  7. You know that saying, " A picture is worth a thousand words," so I think it's just fine to let the photos do the talking!

  8. Loving your pages so much

    My plan is tomorrow to check out the magazine ... Can't wait

  9. I love Project Life, this is my second year but this year I've got my sister and my elder daughter doing it too :) My younger daughter is planning on starting at the start of the new school year in September when she goes into A Levels. I've told her to have a look on your blog because I think it'll be nice for her to see another young person who's doing PL.
    I only recently found your blog through Sian or Deb14 (I can't remember which) and I'm enjoying keeping up with you.

  10. I do the black and white as well - I often think that it captures faces better than colour ... Though the colours of the beachy pebbles is yummy!
