5 July 2013

At the farm...

This is his favourite place.
The farm. In the middle of nowhere. His childhood home.
I like being there with him. I like to see the peace in his eyes as soon as we open the car door to the lonely roads, the huge trees and the old house.

It is the only place I know where it is totally quiet. No car noise, no horns, nothing.
I stood in the middle of this road on the most glorious evening. All we could hear was the tree creaking in the wind.

There isn't much internet and there isn't any phone signal.
I like to retreat back to this place and focus on us. On long walks through the fields of wheat and barley. On muddy welly walks in the winter and the long shadow evenings of the summer.

Last time I visited we took a walk through the local village. It was a collection of picture postcard cottages. All thatched roofs and roses around the door. Bottled milk left on the doorstep.

I am enjoying going out to the farm and exploring a place he has known forever.
I think it is becoming one of my favourites too.

Where is your favourite place?


  1. Lovely images of a place that must be one of the last of its kind. It's so good to be unconnected for awhile, and this looks like the perfect place.

  2. My favourite physical place is a very special tiny hamlet in Dorset along the Chesil beach. My favourite spiritual place is right beside my husband & son & Greyhound. xx

  3. Your photos are so lovely, Abi, and I can see why you two love the farm so much! I'd have to say that my favorite place to be is on the side of a mountain somewhere - anywhere out of the city where I live my day-to-day life. And on the rare occasion that we can get there - the ocean is my all time fav! :)

  4. I love the photograph of the milk bottles.

  5. Ah, how lovely to have a shared place, where you can be together in peace & quiet. That's something worth hanging onto, if you possibly can!

  6. Gorgeous photos of you both :). And it sounds like a place you can catch up with your soul - glad you can both share it. The milk bottle photo brings back memories for me...

  7. The milk bottle picture brought back so many memories. It's nice to know that someplaces still get it delivered like that.

  8. What lovely pics, Abi...and I can feel the peace and quiet from here!
    Alison xx

  9. I love being in the country but my favorite place to be is by the water.
