25 July 2013

The kettle is on

The tea is brewing, the cakes are freshly baked and the sun will hopefully be shining. 
Here is a little invite to join me on Saturday 27th for a drink and a catch up. 

I use this time to share my heart, to welcome you into my world and virtually share life with you over a spot of tea. 

Anyone can join in. You can just sit and listen, you can respond in the comments or you can go the full hog and write your own "tea" post. There will be a link on here so we can all join in and chat to you over a cuppa. 

A "Tea post doesn't need to be long. If you are stuck on what to say how about five things you would tell me if I was sitting in your garden with you now. Trivial, deep, funny or serious it doesn't matter. We will enjoy catching up with friends. 

See you then!

If you want to know more about "Time for tea" click on the link on the sidebar to the right. 


  1. Thanks for the reminder. Will definitely join in.

  2. So looking forward to catching up...

  3. I will join in! Totally looking forward to it :D I do love reading your blog - I was a bit behind and I've loved catching up with it!
