29 August 2013

Around here- August edition

This is what life has looked like in August. Drinking many cups of tea. Going on long walks with friends, re-organising and clearing out the space I work in at home. Exploring new places and capturing their details. Going through and editing photos from our time away in France.

My around here photos are the photos that get left behind. The ones that are left on the memory card or never made it to the blog post. They are often imperfect but they capture now. This month.

What would be your picture for the month?


  1. I've loved this post, you've captured he ever day in a beautiful way

  2. I often think about the 'leftover' photos, that in this age of digital, aren't always saved. The odd one or two that you would sometimes come across, languishing in a paper wallet, at the back of a cupboard. My photo this month would be the view of Stonehenge at some distance that I took while we ate our picnic on exam results day. I balanced the camera on a fence post, but the focus is a little off as I had it set to macro by mistake!

  3. I love this idea - have some photos that I can think of straight away. They may make it onto a scrapbook page one day but for now they languish on my lap top. You have inspired me to dedicate a post to them! Thank you :)

  4. I love the way you have used them all and honoured them with a place. I just tend to be ruthless and cull any which are left over. Perhaps I need to think again!

  5. Love these kinds of posts Abi, really capture the everyday moments. I really like that last picture of you and the boy :D x

  6. I love when you post these, Abi. My favorite is the one of you and the boy. <3

  7. Oh, I really like the one of you and of you and the boy! hmmm my leftovers this month would be mainly of flowers

  8. Love the look on your faces in the 'couple' shot but I also really love the tree where the initials have been carved.

  9. Particularly lovely photos this month, Abi!

  10. I love that last photo of you and your boy. Your expression is so full of love.
    I use these types of photo to create my month in numbers post. Will be doing that later this week.
