4 September 2013

Project life week 35

This summer has sailed by. I can't believe I am now sorting photos into the September file. I am excited for the change of seasons though and what these next few weeks will look like in project life...

Quite a few this week and the right hand page is certainly photo heavy. A real mix too with some instagrams with are really just one line stories and some photos of the littlest one going back to school which is a big event in itself.

I wanted to include photos of some of my latest craft pieces. I think it will be fun to look back on in the years to come and see what sort of things I was making. I also popped in that fun picture of my mums shoes which I think make her look like Mary Poppins! I had to include photos of my jot page too- thank you for all your kind comments about it yesterday. I am hoping to write up the story of how it happened at some point.

Mostly just snippets this week. The right hand spread documents the pictures we took of the littlest one heading off to school for the last time. He finishes sixth form at the end of this year so it does feel like the end of an era in our family. I also included journalling about my Dad's new ministry as it is the beginning of an era in many ways for him.

After reading the latest issue of Jot I have a list of techniques I want to try in project life. Nothing wild this week though! I used that circle perpetual calendar on the right hand spread which is quite fun. I also adapted the black tag on the left hand spread to say "he bought tickets". I like how graphic this is and how it sums up in a few words my excitement at going to see Matilda soon.

Anything else: 
Big pictures made a come back! I loved all these photos of my little brother and they all needed to be big so I just went for it.

Week 35 and I feel in a really comfortable place with this project. The end is in site and whilst I don't want to be finished as such I am itching to get that book made!


  1. This is so lovely. I really like the fact that you've scrapped your crafting too - that's something I'm not sure I really do despite the fact that I love to make things. *steals inspiration*

  2. Abi, I'm really enjoying seeing how you combine colours this year - it is one aspect of PL that I'm struggling with and I am not sure if it is how I'm taking my photos (ie too close) or just an indication of the mixed colour scheme I live with! I haven't converted many, if any shots into b&w and maybe I should - though I want to capture the colour of life as well!

    Now that I read over this comment I think it solidifies the need to have some space between each element - while you are capturing a great deal of variety you also have restful pages - they're great!

  3. love this spread! that blue card with the quote on top of it is gorgeous!
    Also, Matilda? favorite childhood story ever. i'm kind of jealous ;)

  4. Gorgeous Abi, a really lovely spread as always. I love how you've split one photo over a few different boxes on the right hand spread. I'm also loving all your craft projects :D xx

  5. Great pages, I especially like the photo-heavy side - and the divided large picture. Fab!

  6. Abi, I always love your PL pages.
    As I was sitting at a sidewalk cafe today in Sorrento, Italy, I swear I saw you walk by!!! You had your hair pulled up in a cute sloppy bun. If I wouldn't have been too conspicuous, I would have taken a picture!

  7. What a beautiful spread. I love the photos of your brother and the way you have used the large photo.

  8. I'm dipping my toes into Project Life this week. It will be paper, not digital, but I'm looking much more closely at all the fabulous techniques you use to make yours so wonderful! Wish I lived closer so I could come over for a couple of lessons!
