21 September 2013

Rinda's scavenger hunt

Today I am linking in with Rinda for a final hurrah of summer. I love the scavenger hunt she creates. I love searching for the objects, thinking outside the box and watching a community of cloud watchers appear on instagram.

Life got in the way this summer so I didn't capture all of the images but I loved looking out for the items on the list and sharing the finds on instagram. There were some really fun items on the list this year that had be laughing away as they were posted!

So without further ado here are the items I did find with just a simple sentence for their story.

We headed down to the reservoir near our house. A hidden expanse of water and a haven for fishermen.

I found this sign funny. Who plans to run off with one huge fish under their arm?

A little ride on aeroplane in the sweetest toy shop.

Someone spookily out of place. This hedge was spotted at a natural trust property and gave us a fright!

A peaceful spot to sit in our hot summer weather. A pretty bench outside.

On the ferry to France we stood on deck and I spotted this police boat in the far distance. A dubious find for my fire truck or police car!

A dimly lit cathedral in Quimper and this incredible stained glass window. I sneekily took a photo.

This tower made me smile. So beautifully quirky.

The last evening of our holiday and we were treated to this incredible sunset.

A lovely weathered old fence by the sand dunes.

Due to the lack of beautiful windmills near us I had to resort to the model variety.

The same was true for the dinosaur...

He is nearly constantly napping, the brave and fierce cat that he is.

And finally this weekend. The boy took me to London for an early birthday present and we got to see Matilda the Musical.

Rinda thank you so much for the time and energy and effort you put into the hunt. I always have so much fun.


Fiona@Staring at the Sea said...

Your fisherman shot is wonderful and the sign is so funny! My friends are off to see Mathilda tomorrow as a young friend of theirs is in the cast. I didn't get them all in the end either, but it was great fun trying :o)

glitterandglue said...

Yes, I'm with Fiona - that fisherman photo is lovely. Great plane and sign. That bush/hedge thing is really weird - I wouldn't actually like it in my own garden!
Margaret - glitterandglue

Sian said...

Wow, I love the Matilda sign: so dramatic! It's a lovely collection ( and I'm slightly relieved to find someone else who didn't quite finish up :) )

Becky said...

Just love the hedge and your sunset photo is wonderful. You may not have got all the items on the list, but the photos you took are all fantastic :)

BJ said...

Didn't see the hedge sculpture at first, would have given me a fright too. Super photos BJ

Lesley G said...

Great set of photos - that hedge has freaked me out!!!

scrappyjacky said...

I just love the spooky hedge.

furrypig said...

so many great photos Abi and wow Matilda sounds amazing would love to go how was it???

Andy said...

Amazing set of photographs, I especially like the fisherman shot and face inside the hedge. What a find! Andy

Miriam said...

The face in the hedge is amazing! I really like your fence but that stained glass window is simply beautiful Abi.

boysmum2 said...

some awesome finds there Abi. I love the spooky hedge and that stained glass window is impressive. The police boat was a great find and sure there won't be too many like that from others either. well done

The Mann Fam said...

Love your photo of the humorous sign and the topiary face spookily out of place.

Sheena said...

I'm loving the topiary hedge & the sunset Abi.
I think this hunt is going to be a yearly tradition in my household :)

debs14 said...

What a beautiful stained glass window, and I love that quirky tower.

This West London Life said...

Fabulous finds! I really like the bench, mosaic and fence.

Karen said...

All your photos are wonderful---no surprise! I love that face in the hedge, and the sign made me chuckle, too.

Jane said...

gorgeous photos, that hedge was scary!

Sinead said...

Wow, these are fab Abi! I didn't get to take part in the scavenger hunt this summer, but I've seen so many lovely pictures on people's blogs that I think I'll have to join in next year :) I love the fence and sand dunes picture, and the fisherman too. Hope you enjoyed Matilda! x

Deb @ PaperTurtle said...

You still got some great shots, Abi! I love the way you shot the dinosaur photo - great perspective.

Have been thinking of you and wishing you well in your upcoming transition. xo

Unknown said...

Love the hedge sculpture. Great photos.

ComfyMom~Stacey said...

Great job with these! I love the hedge & the sign!

Susanne said...

Lovely snaps, although I agree that bush was a bit creepy.

Sandra said...

What a joy it is to look through your photos

Barbara said...

You found some great subjects for the hunt, the face in the bush was quite a surprise, I love the fence by the dunes.

Lou said...

a beautiful collection of photos. My three caught tiny fish this summer so your sign made me smile x

Maria Ontiveros said...

Wonderful Abi! Your fisherman is very cool and the stained glass beautiful, but I think the favorite is your funny sign. I would love to have that in my garage.
Thanks for playing along,

~*~Patty S said...

Fabulous photos...
enjoyed them all VERY much...
too funny about the fish under the arm!
Rinda certainly has created fun all around the globe with her scavenger hunt!
Greetings from Virginia