3 October 2013

Project Life week 38

So I am playing catch up with Project Life. I hate being behind with this project but sometimes life gets in the way and it just happens. Before I know it we are at Saturday and I haven't touched the photos from last week.

But I had some lovely pockets of time this week and managed to catch up. I also haven't posted PL much on the blog recently so today and tomorrow I'm going to share my latest pages starting with week 38:

This was the week the boy took me to London for a pre birthday treat. We ate at my favourite American chain, five guys which has just opened in London. I wanted to include the photos of that as well as photos from a weekend babysitting three little girls.
That feet and arrow one is a current favourite so I knew it had to be big.

On the weeks when I am catching up I just try to keep it simple. In this case photos blown across several spaces and that simple Instagram template.

I wanted to record thoughts on seeing Matilda the Musical (totally recommend by the way!). I also wanted to include that quote from the boy which I stuck on the bottom of the photo in five guys.

The hard thing with catching up is that writing about the week is very difficult so the journalling here is more fact based than what it normally is. I did though include a journalling card about upgrading to ios7. PL for me is about every aspect of life and upgrading my phone is as much a part of that. It will also be fascinating to look back on!

Again, in the spirit of keeping it simple, I used those techniques which I know work. A simple quote card, a quick homemade graphic and a filler card. I also extracted the colour of that arrow and used it as a paint effect on the quote card- the joys of photoshop!

Anything else:
The further I get behind the more overwhelming it can be. I'm learning though, getting it down is the main point. The thought of a full book at the end of it is another motivation too!


  1. I'm behind on PL but hope to catch up this weekend. I must say your photos on your pages are amazing, I must try and get better shots

  2. This is a very inspiring spread, the kind that make think that PL is feasable... Love your photos too!

  3. I realized yesterday that I am four weeks behind on printing photos and getting them in the sleeves. I had a little moment of panic, but my girl settled me down. I'll do my catching up this weekend, but I still need some solid time to go back and embellish things. I'm still back and forth on whether to go completely digital next year.

    Your PL pages look great, Abi. I'm a big fan of your layouts!

  4. Hi Abi, I'm catching up on blog posts after a busy couple of weeks, and I love this PL spread :D That photo of your feet and the arrow is fantastic! And don't stress about being behind, sometimes life gets in the way and that's ok :) Hope the new house in Durham is treating you well so far! xxx

  5. I just love these spreads. I have to figure out how to do that big photo in divided protectors with paper scrapping. There are so many things you do here that seem a bit intimidating to me, and they are your go-to techniques! I need some lessons!

  6. These are lovely as always Abi, I do hate that feeling of being behind with something, I love that you have a 'go to' plan. Hope you are settling in to your new house.

  7. These are lovely as always Abi, I do hate that feeling of being behind with something, I love that you have a 'go to' plan. Hope you are settling in to your new house.

  8. Great spread. I loved Five Guys when we went to California but haven't tried the London branch yet.

  9. Your recipe book made me smile. I have a green exercise book from college days that I still add to from time to time.

  10. your PL is so inspiring - how you have added the five guys photo is very eye catching x
