21 November 2013

Project Life week 45

 I am slowly getting further and further behind on this project but am so determined to finish the year. 
7 weeks left and then the book can go into production!

This was week 45 and I had a lot of fun photos to play with and new techniques to try out. I really like how this week turned out. 

Lots of photos from both the ball, a pudding party we had to celebrate my housemates birthday and the boy coming to visit. I also popped in two photos from the fireworks night. A lot of photos this week were taken indoors so I ran them through one of my favourite black and white filters to get rid of the funny lighting. 
There were so many snapshots taken at the ball so rather than try and squeeze them all in I popped them straight into a grid and added it as a journalling card. They will turn out quite small in the final book but I like how many happy smiles are captured in just one square. 

I think one of the things I have most enjoyed about project life is telling the stories each week. That photo of the boy and me for instance on the left hand spread. The journalling is more about how lovely it was to see him again rather than the photo itself but the joy of project life is that you can do that. 

It's been fun to look back on my first spreads and compare them to this. I definitely journal more on photos themselves than I did before. 

As usual I did an inspiration sweep before I sat down and made this layout. I saw several examples across the web of using a quote across a picture in two pockets and tried that out on the left hand spread. 

I have also found, throughout this album, that I like the combination of a handwriting script and a capital graphic font. I used two together on the photo of the boy and like that it adds a little bit more to that photo. 

Anything else: 
Still mulling things over for next year. I am keen to commit to three years of project life. One for each of my years in Durham. I am debating the best way to do that at the moment.  I will certainly stick to digital but will probably go for a different page template. 

Have you seen anything new/inspiring in the project life world at the moment? I am interested in collecting some ideas about how to tackle the new year! 


  1. I always enjoy seeing your Project Life pages, Abi, and you have reminded me that I am terribly behind myself! This is the second year I've done PL and I must say that I feel like I'm at the end of that era. I'm not sure what I'll do instead because I really do love having my photos printed and documented. If I do continue I am seriously considering going all digital next time!

  2. Abi, have you read Cathy Zielske's most recent post? I think you would enjoy the content, in fact, I am mulling over a few of the things she spoke about as they're topics I think a lot of people face.

    Weekly scrapping really suits my natural style and I have found the year very easy to document, next year I want to incorporate a little more diversity - I get hung up on keeping things cohesive for the final presentation.

    Unfortunately, I have not seen anything new or anything that is really grabbing my attention - but that is often the case when you gravitate towards a simple style - it is not trend based at all!

  3. I love this spread :) The photos are so gorgeous, especially those ones of you and T. And that pudding party sounds amazing! The variety of techniques throughout your album is fantastic. I really admire how you've stuck with it, though I can imagine how challenging it is to keep going at times. Can't wait to see what you come up with for 2014 :)

  4. A great spread. I love the black and white photos. It's something I rarely think of - one to remember next month for the rubbish lighting that is school nativity plays.

  5. I, too, have a list of things I want to try in my PL spreads, but one I must remember is the black and white conversion. I love the way that looks in these pages. I also love that "this girl" card and photo!

  6. Congrats on keeping up with the project all year!

  7. Although I'm not a PL-er myself, I'd just like to give you a cheer in the hope that you will feel encouraged and keep going for your three years. I don't think you'll regret having such a fantastic record of your once in a lifetime experience

  8. A puddling party? What a great idea! I love your,mix of colour and black and white too, as well as the graphic contrasts. I am planning to do something digital form December but will be making my own templates, I think.
