26 November 2013

Tea and Cake

It's that time of the month.
It's cold outside but the lounge is warm, the kettle is boiling and there are two mugs waiting on the side. (Although judging by this photo my housemate may have all the mugs stashed away in her room!)

Tomorrow I am sitting down and sharing a cup of tea with you again.
I know things are busy at the moment and I can't wait to talk with you about your Christmas plans.
It doesn't need to be long, it doesn't have to be short. I love sharing in conversation with you. It has been a joy to do so this year and I can't believe we are now on our penultimate cup of virtual tea!

There are so many ways you can join in with having tea. You can sit back, grab your cuppa and just have a read. You can add your voice to the comments, you can write your own tea post and link up on here. We love sharing life and laughter with each other whatever way you choose.

I know some of us have been lost on what to say recently so here a few things I think I am going to be chatting about tomorrow... (just to get you excited!). You are welcome to follow these prompts or go off on your own merry way!

I'm going to tell you about my Christmas plans, the weather (I'm british, it goes without saying), latest craft projects and possibly a funny story or two.

Do come and stop by if you have a moment. You never know there may be a cake waiting next to your mug!

Over the past few months my ramblings have been accompanied by some beautiful conversations and posts from readers. The tab on the right sidebar contains links to all the "tea posts" and then the links to everyone who has contributed. If you have a spare moment, grab your favourite beverage and take a look- you are sure to be entertained. 

I also want to say a big thank you to everyone who responded with such kindness, honesty and concern on my last blog post. If you want to hear some wise wise words on blogging, click through to the comments on the last post. You are sure to come away revitalised! 


  1. TSO has sent me round to yours with mince pies! We have just finished making our first batch of the year and I hope they'll have you feeling festive :)

  2. I think I need to time my visit to be there at the same time as Sian! Tea and mince pies - what better way to spend the morning!

  3. Looking forward to sharing tea with you tomorrow :-)

  4. Hi Abi, what a lovely photo! My post will be up on Thursday, I have mince pies too.

  5. I'll be inviting everyone around on Monday to discuss the holidays. I've got some other posts scheduled for this weekend.

  6. Isn't it lovely when a blog post becomes a conversation? Take a bow for starting it off :).
