16 December 2013

sitting down to write

I am sitting down to write these words and I don't know how to catch up on a week away.
A week that was so full of joyful, funny and christmassy things.
I want to tell you about our evening of doing secret santa presents or of the carol service which I helped at, that was attended by nearly three thousand students.

I want to fill you in on this term, I want to be honest and tell you that both my body and my heart are weary. There has been more academic expectation this term, more demands on time but also more rewards.
I want to tell you that I am tired after so many late nights but that sometimes laughing into the small hours is far better than that extra hour of sleep. For now at least.

I want to tell you that I am behind on project life, on the friendship quilt and on most crafty things but am feeling very relaxed about this. I know these things will happen and that from experience there is no point in trying to force the creativity.

Most of all I want you to know how eager I am to get blogging regularly again but for now I am resting this little head of mine and enjoying the warmth and comfort of being home for the holidays.


  1. I hope you and your family have a lovely Christmas x

  2. Your post bought a smile to my face, I'm happy you're really enjoying all that life has to offer you.

  3. I think everyone finds the 2nd year tough at first but hopefully you will return in January full of enthusiasm and energy. Make the most of being home and enjoying family time x

  4. It's been a long, long term. I can hear it in your voice. I'm sure your Mum will be just as happy to welcome you home and help you rest as I'll be on Thursday when TTO flies in for the holidays x

  5. I hope you have a nice relaxing time at home and a very Merry Christmas.

  6. Rest and recuperation at home sounds the best tonic,Abi.

  7. Yay! Hi Abi, I'm so glad you are so happy at Uni! But it's great that you have time at home now, to relax with your family and home-friends and to re-charge for next term.
    Wishing you a very relaxed and happy holidays and a very blessed, happy Christmas!

  8. Merry Christmas Abi, how wonderful to be home. A little time for R&R before you party again. x

  9. Have a restful Christmas Abi x

  10. I have been very impressed every time you are able to publish a blog post, Abi, because I can only imagine how limited your precious time is!

    I'm feeling the need to let the blog go just a bit during this busy time of year, so you are not alone. A very merry Christmastime to you, sweet friend! xo

  11. Enjoy your holiday, and the rest that always comes with the end of a term! Although it was many years ago, I remember vividly how exhausted I was when I headed home for break!

  12. Those are enticing photos,I feel as I have dropped by for tea wine style :) The boys are both exhausted from school and are doing a lot of vegetating and that is what school breaks are for.I am happy that your life is so full and sweet.

  13. Abi,
    This post is so full of life and honesty. Enjoy your time!
