4 January 2014

Just a quick question...

When talking about my blog plans the other day, Jacky reminded me of that little meme I started up at the end of the last year:

One photo & Twenty words. 

I really enjoyed seeing these pop up all over blog land and am keen to carry them on this coming year. I think it's a great way to get back into blogging if you are stuck in a rut.

My question is:
1. Would you be interested in joining in with a linky?
2. Last year I just threw this meme out fairly sporadically. Would a set date each month work or is it one of those things that needs to be done on a whim? 

Opinions please!

Thank you so much for the words of support I received on my last post. I love planning what will happen in this little space and I love connecting and sharing with so many of you. 


  1. I've never joined in with this one. I'd seen it around but always too late/wrong time for me to join in. I'd definitely join in if you do decide to carry on. I'd prefer a linky as it is then easier to see the other blogs who are taking part. For me, a set date would be preferable.

  2. As you could guess....I'd definately join in....a linky would be a nice idea I think....I'm not worried about a specific date.

  3. Yes to a linky; not sure re a date, whenever suits you.

  4. I really liked your idea and did it a couple of times randomly, which suits me fine! It would be nice to link up though :o)

  5. Oh yes, I thought this was a fun idea. A linky would be good too. Having a set date each month would work for me, even if it were a vague 'last week of the month' othewise I do tend to forget what I'm supposed to be doing!

  6. Definitely in on this one. I don't really care if it's random or set but having a linky I think lends itself to having a set day/week. Otherwise, it seems the post gets lost and people don't go back to see who has linked.

  7. Linky and set date for me. I find it easier to look up the other blogs too

  8. Yeah a linky and a set date would work well and I would definitely join in too.

  9. I've joined in last year on a random basis which suits me.

  10. I think everyone loved this one and would be happy to join in whatever way you decide works for you.

    I also welcomed your drive to get more commenting going. I'd like to see that coming back too :)

  11. Oh yes Abi... I loved this !!

  12. I think a linky would be great, but I vote for "on a whim," as opposed to a set date. I'm rebelling against deadlines a bit this year - LOL!

  13. I think a linky would be great and what ever works with your schedule works for me.
