15 May 2014

On photographing a week in the life. Project Life week 19

Last Monday I saw the hashtag, 'week in the life' on one of my friends photos on instagram. It was a total whim but I decided to join in with capturing my week and am so glad I did. I kept it simple and tried to take on average three photos a day with a brief description.  Here is what I learnt...

Everything is worth recording.
Because I was following the meme for the week I thought about the photos I could take rather than the photo worthy moments.
I live in such a beautiful city and there are so many things to capture on a regular basis. This little challenge forced me to see the ordinary little details, every single day.

Thinking outside the box.
Whilst there are lots of fun details in my day there is a lot of repetitiveness too. I wanted to record a normal week but that meant thinking up new ways to frame a photo. I loved the challenge of this and definitely got more inventive as the week progressed. There are only so many ways you can photograph porridge for breakfast!

It was the best cure for a week that was dull and ordinary.
I am so glad I did this challenge at this point in term. The days are so dull at the moment because everyone is doing the same thing; sitting in the library and revising! Following the meme made me realise that there is a lot more to my days than just sitting with my books. It was also the perfect cure for mid year blues with project life. Nothing like a ton of photos to get fresh looking pages!

Do you follow any photo challenges? I know some people have done 'day in the life' which I think sounds fun. How do you like to challenge yourself with photography?

Notes on PL:
I had so many photos I kept it simple this week. I just made a simple stamp in photoshop with the day and the time and added it to each photo. On some photos I added a bit of journalling if a story needed to be told.

Life update: 
It is dreaded exam season around here so I am busy writing notes with coloured pens rather than writing/visiting and commenting on your blogs. You can imagine which I would rather be doing! Nevertheless the blog posts on here will keep coming however will be slightly less regular until exam season is over. If you pray, I would love your prayers for what can be a pressured time. Thank you! 


  1. Praying for your exam success.

  2. It's exam season around here too. AS Levels started on Monday. Sending you good vibes for successful revision.

  3. Love the stamp you used in photoshop. Love the repetition that it gave. Thanks for sharing and will be praying for you!

  4. I have done an extensive WITL a few times and I loved seeing your pics on IG and I also love how you have put it into PL form .... gets me thinking!

    Best of luck with your exams :)

  5. You've been included in my list of people I know getting through this term. Hope the coloured pens are helpful! I like doing this sort of week in the life or day in the life (photo an hour or so) to capture the details.

    Lots of boxes in my life at the moment ;)

  6. I'm happy to add you to my prayer list. I love your photos, and you've provided some inspiration for photos here as well!

  7. Lovely pages, Abi - the repeated day stamp is so very effective. Will be thinking of you and sending lots of positive energy for your success in the exams - and for a cool head and steady nerves :).

  8. It looks super and I love that day stamp you used.

  9. I've done week in the life a couple of times and really enjoyed it. I love your photo stamps. Good luck with exams!

  10. I did a day in the life a few times last year, and just like you said, i just loved how it made me see the happy part of a day you could easily think boring and ordinary. love that photo heavy spread also :)
