15 June 2014

The graduate

Just like that, three years are gone and the boy man has finished his degree.  At the weekend I travelled to visit him at uni for the last time. It was a strange experience because for me it was a series of endings. Last time I will see his housemates (for the foreseeable future), last time I will make that train journey from Durham, last time in that house.

But it is exciting too. Things are changing, life is moving on. The boy has a job for next year and we are looking forward to how God will open more doors in the next twelve months. It is scary and fun and intriguing all at once.

I voiced all this to the boy over the weekend. I am the nostalgic one and I think the change for me is greater than it is for him. I get sentimental over 'last times' where as he quietly likes the transition. Nevertheless I persuaded him into some form of photoshoot in the beautiful park to mark in a way the occasion.

Things are coming to an end for him, but in many ways they are just starting.

Degree. Done. (Just mine to do now!)


This West London Life said...


scrappyjacky said...

Congratulations....and good luck...to him.

Susanne said...

Congrats to him and best of luck on his adventures ahead.

Lizzie said...

Wow! Congratulations to the Boy (I mean, Man!)... when do the Results come back (or does he know already?)
I was just talking about you today, Abi; we were watching a programme on TV and Durham appeared. It does look lovely there.
Our lad has been thinking about University. He starts A levels next year, but if he wants to try for OxBridge (which he does), he has to start some serious work towards the applications etc. One job for the holidays is to research the colleges that he might want to apply to, also to get hold of some of the texts on the Reading List and start reading... And look at ways to find out more about his chosen subject (Engineering), so he knows more about it and what he wants to do.
So you have one year left now (?)... some hard work ahead of you next year, but worth it in the end. What will you do this time next year?
Adventures! x

Karen said...

One of my favorite sayings, and one I trust is : when one door closes, another one opens. Surely true in this case. Lovely photos, as always. Congrats to the Boy!

Maria Ontiveros said...

Fabulous photographs and what a wonderful time of life for both of you!

alexa said...

These are very lovely photos of you both - what a beautiful couple you make :). Many congratulations to him, and hoping there will be lots of wonderful new opportunities for you both in the year ahead.

Miriam said...

Congratulations to your man. What an exciting time for your both. Your photo's are just so lovely Abi.

Sian said...

Many congratulations to him! and best wishes for the future ahead.

I remember those endings..it's a time of huge adjustment, but lots of excitement with new beginnings too. I'm looking forward to hearing what comes next

Cosmic said...

Exciting opportunities / times for you both for sure:)


Sheena said...

many congratulations to him xxx

Beverly said...

Congratulations to The Boy!!! Such an exciting time in life. The Pirate and the Pirate Girl are both searching for jobs and are now 640 miles apart. Your relationship is a perfect example that long distance can work.

Sinead said...

Huge congratulations to your boy (man!) Abi! A very exciting time of change and transition for you both. Gorgeous photos too! x

Deb @ PaperTurtle said...

Congratulations to your guy, Abi! And good luck to you with all the transitions. LOL. I was wondering when he was going to go from being the boy to being the man. Now is as good a time as any, I suppose. ;o) xo

Anonymous said...

Congratulations to him and good luck in the future for both of you. Those are some really nice pictures of both of you.

Kirsty.A said...

Congratulations to the man and best wishes for both your futures

Becky said...

Congratulations to him and good luck for the future!