29 July 2014


My layouts are up on Cocoa Daisy today.
I'm pleased with the PL ones but I am really chuffed with the 12 x 12, partly because I never thought I would scrapbook like this again. Funny what comes back when sitting in front of a piece of card stock and patterned paper....

Thank you so much for all your support and encouragment through this process. Blog friends are the best.

27 July 2014

Let's sit and have a cup of tea.

Hello, come on in.
Isn't the weather glorious, shall we take our tea outside?

If you were meeting me today I would usher you to our big weathered wooden table. The tea pot would already be placed along it along with the mugs and a whole selection of cakes and puddings.

Your eyes would light up at the sight of the sweet treats. I would explain that we had a family party yesterday, hence the mountain of food left and the slightly weary expression on my face! Mum is a fantastic cook and a big fan of Mary Berry. She whipped up this pudding in no time and it went down a treat. I'm sorry there isn't any left for you to sample but I can promise you it was fab!

Speaking of Mary Berry, I have heard on the Facebook grapevine that the new series is starting in August. Are you a fan I would ask? I'm not really too keen on reality tv but the bake off is quite gentle and the cakes always look very scrummy.

I would pour your mug of tea and we would sit back and look around the garden. It is a beautiful place. full of roses and lavender and a crazy climbing passionflower. As usual, tea in hand, leaning closer, the topic would get onto craft and scrapbooking. I would, with a smile, thank you for your sweet comments on my last post. The support from blog friends still astounds me. I am also amazed at the opportunities that have come my way through blogging. What a magical place the internet is sometimes. You would probably ask me how I found paper scrapbooking and I think I would have to take a bite  of cake before I answered. It was so much fun. More fun than I expected. I loved working from a kit because it got rid of all that decision making!
Leaning in further and said in a very quiet voice I would confide to you that I would like to slowly get back into it. Not in a big way, you must understand. Just as something for the holidays, a few pages made with special photos. We'll see though.

Look at me, wittering on to you. Tell me what projects you have been working on. Can I offer you a top up? Another slice of something whilst you tell me?
What are your summer plans?
We had a lovely day out in London last week. the weather was scorching. We wandered to the Tate modern and looked at the Matisse cut outs which are well worth a visit if you are in the city. We then headed to the imperial war museum. It was very very busy but interesting. We had great fun in the shop looking at some first and second world war posters. Isn't this one fantastic?

If I was having tea with you now the time would run away from us as we chatted over this and that, about family, friends and plans. I would tell you how the boy and I sat down the other day and started the conversation about teacher training. The process is a long one and although the application doesn't open until November, a form, a personal statement, references and a choice about where to go has to be made. Thankfully the summer is long and there is time. It's a very funny thought though that there is just one year left of my degree. How time flies!

We would look down at our plates, crumbs scattered about and dregs in the cup. I think you would probably laugh and I would comment that really nothing beats tea and cake and a catch up with a good friend. I hope you would agree.

We would rise slowly and walk to the garden gate, stopping every few feet as another topic of conversation begins. Reaching the gravel drive I would hug you tightly and ask you to come again next month.
I can't wait.

If you were having tea with me today, what would you tell me?

If you would like to write a "tea" post please add it to the linky at the bottom so we can all sit and share with you! The linky will be open for a week so you have plenty of time! 

Please add your link below: 
1. Susanne  5. Ally  9. Fiona  
2. Rinda  6. Prairie Jill  10. Jane  
3. Ruth  7. Heather  11. Julia  
4. Kirsty  8. Debs  

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)

26 July 2014

Put the kettle on

You know the drill by now!
The sun is out, the tea is brewing and there are stories to share.
Tomorrow I will be inviting you in to share tea and news with me.

The 'time for tea' meme is super simple. You can join in in three ways:

1. Tour the world through beverages. First stop here and read my ramblings and then follow the links to the other lovely ladies who take the time to write a post too. I promise you there will be laughter along the way, things to celebrate, things to mourn and things to nod at and smile.

2. Join in the conversation. Feel free to keep the discussion going in the comments on mine or anyone else's blog. Sharing a cup of tea is sharing friendship so we would love to hear your voice and get to know you better.

3. Write your own 'tea post'. Tea posts don't have to be long and they just follow one simple rule,
"what would you tell me if we were sitting down for tea together?" 
Once you have written your post come and link back here so we can all enjoy your company. The link will stay open for a week so there is no rush.

See you tomorrow. There might even be some cake too!

If you are still puzzled, hit writers block or just want a happy afternoon in blog land, do click on the link in the side bar which has the tea posts from the last few months.

24 July 2014

A spot of guest designing. Saying yes.

I have been keeping something in the pipeline these last few weeks...
I am thrilled to announce that I am guest designing this month with Cocoa Daisy.

The story behind this is a funny one.
A while back I was checking my blog stats like I normally do. ( I like to try and get a picture of where my traffic is coming from and who is reading. I'm going to post more about this soon.)
One of the referring sites was Cocoa Daisy.

The name struck a chord with me and I hopped over to check them out.
Cocoa Daisy are a scrapbooking kit company who create gorgeous monthly kits using a range of supplies, some exclusive to them. There are two kits each month and one is a 'day in the life' project life kit. After seeing such beautiful products and pages I was pretty flattered that they had found my blog to be honest!

I wandered around the site and came across the forum where I signed up to become a member. I created an account and waited for it to be verified. No sooner had I done this than a sweet email came in from the lovely Emily. She had noticed my name pop up and realised I had stumbled across the site from my own blog. She told me, wonder of wonders, that the design team had been looking at my blog and wondered if I would consider being a guest designer for them!

At this point I genuinely thought she had found the wrong person. I mean, I haven't paper scrapbooked in a very long time. Goodness, I have never even touched paper project life. I explained this to Emily and she very graciously said they would still love to have me.

Now this is the point it would have been easy to back out. To be content with the fact that I had put paper to one side and carry on my merry way with digital PL.
But I wanted to be brave. An opportunity had been handed to me. I wanted to say 'yes'.
I took a deep breath and agreed. I would be designing with the August kit, I would be on my holidays and I had plenty of photos to work with. Everything was lined up.

And that's where I am today. A week ago a big box of scrapbook things arrived on my doorstep. I was so nervous and so excited to open that box. The kit this month is called 'modern and vintage' and it is beautiful. Strong colours, pretty patterns and totally me.

I sat down with photos in front of me, a box of supplies on my desk, took a deep breath and began. I didn't know where to start but just went with what I do normally. Telling the story. I gave myself regular pep talks like, "just because I have done digitally, doesn't mean I can't do paper."
And you know what? I remembered totally, why I got into scrapbooking in the first place. I remembered why I have stuck paper with glue for so long.
The pages came together easily, mostly because the supplies were so lovely.

After making my PL spreads, I sat back and pulled out that 12 x 12 sheet. It sat on my desk all day.
PL is my comfort zone. 12 x 12 scrapbooking isn't any more.
But I was determined to be brave. That evening I carefully grabbed some of my favourite parts of the kit and began.
I am shocked and delighted by how the page turned out. It was a step for me and I'm so glad I said yes.

Thank you Cocoa Daisy for asking me to guest design, thank you for trusting in me and sending me such a gorgeous kit to play with.
If you want to see the finished results, my pages will be up in the gallery on the site from the evening of the 28th of July! And if you want a kit, I couldn't recommend them more.

21 July 2014

Graduation Photos

Last Thursday I travelled up to the boys university for the last time. 
I watched him put on a gown, a scarlet and grey hood and a silly hat. 

I then sat in a very hot room as he was officially awarded his degree. 
I couldn't be prouder. 

Apologies for those who have seen these photos on fb already! 

15 July 2014

Let's talk: replying to comments

So, I have a question. About questions.
How do you reply to blog comments? Particularly ones that asks a question?

I am conscious that a lot of you often ask me questions or write a sweet comment and I am eager to reply to these. Sometimes I reply in the comments section itself however I am never sure if the commenter goes back to check? I know when I have asked a question in the comments on others blogs I am not always so hot on checking back to see if there is a response?

On the other hand, if it is a question a lot of people want answering for example, 'where did you find that project life card?" it may be handy to have the answer there on that blog post...

Do you send a reply via email? I have received a few of these from some of you and love the format. Can this be set up in blogger does anyone know?

Basically I am questioning questions and would love a few answers. I'm aware that there probably isn't a perfect system. I am also aware though that blogging is so often a conversation and I am reluctant to let those questions just hang there.

So, let's talk, how do you reply to comments?

The irony that we are having this conversation in the comments has not escaped me! 

12 July 2014

three ways with pretty fabric squares

I love big sewing projects. I have made a few quilts now and I love the process.
I am always left with scraps though. Scraps of pretty soft fabric that I want to use in something yet aren't substantial enough for a larger project. 

I decided to use these scraps to whip up a few pretty fabric squares that can be used in three different ways: 
  • The traditional hankie for your pocket. 
  • Napkins.
  • Half triangle bunting. 

This is the process and it is so simple it is almost a crime to have to write out the steps! 

1. Cut your piece of white fabric. You could use linen or cotton. I used white cotton. Cut it just bigger than desired. I cut mine at 7.5" for a finished square of 7". 

2. Carefully hem the edge of the fabric. I just turned a tiny hem over, about 1/4" and fed it through the machine using a straight stitch. 

3. Do exactly the same for your patterned fabric. I used a piece 4.5" squared but you could adapt this to suit your needs. Hem this piece too. I chose to hem it with white cotton as a contrast but you could use a cotton to match your fabric if you don't want the stitches to show. 

4. Place and pin your square in the middle of the white cotton. Using a straight stitch carefully stitch on top of that hemmed line on your patterned fabric. 

5. Now using a zig zag stitch place your sewing machine foot half on the patterned fabric and half on the white and sew around the edge. So simple! 

Here are three ways you can use these squares: 

I think there is something beautiful about keeping proper cotton handkerchiefs in your pocket rather than a tissue. Because these have patterned fabric in the middle you could co-ordinate your hankie to your dress!
I also think a pile of these would work well at a wedding to coordinate with the colours of the day and for guests to take as you entered the church. 

Depending on how big you made your fabric squares a pile of these at a summer event would be so much fun! I wrapped mine around cutlery to brighten up the wooden table. 

Half triangle bunting:
If you make enough of these, they can be folded in half and then sewn or pegged onto a string to create light and floaty bunting. 

Who knew fabric squares could be so versatile! I am excited to play with more of these this summer. 
What would you do with yours? 

9 July 2014

one photo & twenty words

An adventure into water colour. I had grand hopes. Why does pinterest make things look easy? Results aren't blog worthy!

My challenge for you today. Find one photo and choose up to twenty words to tell its story. Jot it down and link back here. The link will stay open for a week so you have plenty of time to join in! 

Please add your link below: 
1. Sian - the railings  9. Karen  17. Missus Wookie  
2. Lea  10. Kirsty  18. Krafty Karen  
3. Sheena x - Packing!!  11. Mel - simple pleasures  19. LesleyG  
4. doris  12. Louise  20. Maggie  
5. Nathalie  13. Rinda  21. Alison  
6. Debs  14. Fiona ~ Rainbow  22. Karen  
7. Beverly  15. Jane  23. Julia  
8. Ally  16. Ruth  

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)

7 July 2014

me on monday and a reminder

Hello, hello.
I am linking up with Sian and sharing 'me on Monday.' In my happy place, at my desk, working on this and that. A quilt here, a bit of painting there, some postcard writing in between.

It's been a long skirt wearing, cream tea eating, strawberry munching, tennis watching sort of weekend. Thrown into that were trampoline building, church going, photo taking and board game playing. One of those glorious summer weekends were it doesn't feel like a lot happens but in hindsight it really has. Do you know the sort?

This is also me on Monday issuing a little reminder....
Wednesday 9th. I'm challenging you to find one photo and tell its story in twenty words, then link back. 
(it's amazing how far twenty words will take you, as I have just shown in a reminder less than twenty words long!)
Looking forward to seeing you there! (Last month's beautiful entries can be found here)

4 July 2014

five ways i have made project life work for me. Half way review

We are half way through the year and didn't it just fly by! 
During my first year of Project Life I wrote my thoughts at the halfway stage. This year I want to share a few ways I feel I have found my groove in this project.
If you are a project lifer perhaps these will help, if you are not, I think most of these apply to all types of memory keeping so feel free to meander through! 

1. Dropping the guilt. 
This project feels far less pressured, far easier and a far gentler craft than it did last year. Last year I was intent on making perfect pages, filling a double spread and carving out my style. 
I've let that go this year. Being behind is ok, only making one page is just perfect and my style? I'm not forcing it. It happens. 

2. Looking at the bigger picture. 
I have always created. I have always journalled or taken photos, or written stories or made things from paper and glue. I have come to realise that just because I don't feel motivated for several weeks with project life does not mean this project is going down the drain. I am naturally a memory keeper. I will always come back to it. 
Similarly, this is one creative outlet. I think there is a danger with PL that it becomes the idealised memory keeping system of the moment. It isn't. It works for me, it works for many people but it doesn't for others. It may not work for me next year, who knows! I'm soaking the system in while I can. 

3. Buying digital papers rather than specific PL cards. 
When I was finding my feet with PL last year I relied on specific PL cards. This year, I am more a fan of buying papers and suiting them to my needs in photoshop. I think it has given me more scope and it is certainly the cheaper option. 

4. Using two different templates. 
I use the template designs Q and D. I like that they can be used together, that they give the pages different feels. I like that I haven't got bored of a page template yet. I would highly recommend switching the templates up. It was one of the best decisions I made with the project this year. 

5. Being 'me'. 
I am not a big name scrapper. My pages won't look like theirs because I am not them. I want my pages to look like Abi. 
This has taken 18 months to really grasp. For me there is a fine line between looking at others work for inspiration and feeling downcast that my pages aren't as 'good' as theirs. 
Comparison is rubbish. Project life is working for me this year because I am creating to record memories, not to create a page that is magazine/blog worthy. 

As Ali Edwards has said in a recent post, "I am memory keeping for the long haul." 
I want to enjoy telling the stories, recording the memories and sharing the past. That's the bigger picture and that is what holds all of project life together. 

Ali wrote a fab post on a similar topic here and the lovely Amy followed it up in a blog post here. They are both worth a read whether you are a project lifer or not. 

1 July 2014

June favourites

I saw this post by Elise Blaha the other day and totally fell for the format so here is my attempt....

These are things that have been making me happy in the last month...

EATING- Strawberries. Summer fruit is the best. My brother's birthday falls in mid June and my mum always makes a raspberry gateau for him. Just perfect.

LISTENING TO- "All of me" by John legend. Gorgeous song and gorgeous lyrics. I have also been enjoying Joshua Radin and a bit of Paper Aeroplanes for some slow summer music.

MAKING- Quilts and quilt squares. Lots of quilts on the go. Lots of pinning and piecing to be done. Quilting is making my heart happy at the moment.

PRACTICING- Hand lettering. Drawing fonts is hard but it is possibly the most relaxing craft I have tried. 

DRINKING- Tea. Always tea. The teabag variety at uni and the much nicer loose leaf type at home.

LOVING- Simple little stork scissors. These are kept by my sewing machine. They are super sharp, very delicate and and wonderfully pretty. Such a joy to use. I totally recommend having a pair to snip off all those ends of thread from your sewing projects. 

 What have been your favourites this last month?