26 July 2014

Put the kettle on

You know the drill by now!
The sun is out, the tea is brewing and there are stories to share.
Tomorrow I will be inviting you in to share tea and news with me.

The 'time for tea' meme is super simple. You can join in in three ways:

1. Tour the world through beverages. First stop here and read my ramblings and then follow the links to the other lovely ladies who take the time to write a post too. I promise you there will be laughter along the way, things to celebrate, things to mourn and things to nod at and smile.

2. Join in the conversation. Feel free to keep the discussion going in the comments on mine or anyone else's blog. Sharing a cup of tea is sharing friendship so we would love to hear your voice and get to know you better.

3. Write your own 'tea post'. Tea posts don't have to be long and they just follow one simple rule,
"what would you tell me if we were sitting down for tea together?" 
Once you have written your post come and link back here so we can all enjoy your company. The link will stay open for a week so there is no rush.

See you tomorrow. There might even be some cake too!

If you are still puzzled, hit writers block or just want a happy afternoon in blog land, do click on the link in the side bar which has the tea posts from the last few months.

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