31 October 2014

Our own little sewing bee

I have said it time and again but blog friends are magic.
This summer I got an email from a blog reader. It so happens that we went to uni together and she goes to my church. We certainly knew each other in passing however we had never really sat down and chatted. If only we had!
It so turns out that Ellen is super crafty and a very talented sewer. She made her own graduation dress! How rad is that! You can see it here.

It has been dreamy to talk away with her about dress patterns and favourite blogs and crafty things.
Last Saturday Ellen invited me round for a sewing bee and we spent a happy morning at the table in the sunshine, looking through fabric, working away on our little projects and chatting about Durham life. She had the table piled high with fabric and embroidery thread and of course a big pot of tea.

Sitting sewing with her reminded me again how communal our crafts are. I have found friends I would never have met otherwise through blogging and sharing my scrapbooking and sewing. Craft is good full stop. But with other people, it's just the best.

Ellen, thank you for a gorgeous morning. May there be many more!

Do you get together and sew, scrap with others?


  1. How lovely Abi and may this be a first of many sewing mornings x

  2. How lovely is that? I can't find anyone round here to make stuff with. I wish I could!

  3. Hanging with your friend and sewing is the best!! But you didn't tell us what you were working on. Perhaps that's another post.

  4. Oh this is so fun, Abi. Yes, I get together with friends for crafting a few times a year and it's always so wonderful! We used to bring our own random projects, but lately we've been organizing a common project for everyone to work on. We love it because it takes the pressure off what to make, what to bring, what to do. :o)

  5. Oh yes, sewing with other people is the best. I have to travel all the way to Exeter (about 70 miles) for my sewing group, but it's worth the effort. Looking forward to the full reveal of your project. Is it a bunny?

  6. For many years, yes, I got together regularly with friends to sew, craft, bake, and can. It doesn't happen as often any more, which is sad. Looks like you had a great morning!

  7. Crafting with others is the best....I go to a craft group and a sewing bee once a month....and love them both.
    Looks like you had a great time....you should make it a regular thing.

  8. How lovely to make a new friend - and then find out she's "local", so you can pop round and visit!

    A group of ladies have started a Craft Club, at the local sewing shop. We use their cafe area from 7-9:30pm, two evenings a month. It's been going for almost a year now and is doing very well. We started out with about 5 members, but now there are probably around 20, though some come to the 1st Thursday of the month, some only to the 3rd Wednesday and others of us go to both sessions. Everyone brings whatever they are working on and there are no "rules", except to have a nice time together, getting on with our crafting. I often take a bookbinding project, or else some crochet work. There are knitters, crocheters, stitchers, embroiderers, sketchers (a ceramics artist, who can't really bring the more messy parts of her work!)... We pay a small fee and coffee/tea and biscuits are included - though most of us splash out on some of their wonderful home-made cake and the biscuit tin stays in the cupboard!
    I really enjoy it and look forward to it very much.
    Hope you and Ellen can get together sometimes, for more stitching and chatting.

  9. Oh that is so lovely! Sadly all my crafting friends are online. I used to get together with some people that I didn't know to scrapbook but that died out. Maybe I should rejoin the local knitting guild. Love that mug!
