23 October 2014

The need to create

The other night I felt low. Like something wasn't quite there....
I felt at a loose end, my head was running a mile a minute and I was achey from sitting at my laptop all day. Naturally I was feeling sorry for myself and a tad dramatic!

It dawned on me as I watched the third episode of friends in a row, that I hadn't 'made' something in several weeks. I hadn't just sat down and created for a while.

At home I am lucky enough to have space in my room so that my sewing machine can be out all of the time. I can come in, sit down, sew a while and then leave.
At uni I just have less crafty things up here, simply because of space and time.

Once I had detected the problem, the answer was simple. I grabbed some newspaper, covered my desk and pulled out some clay. It was nothing too extraordinary. I didn't really have a plan, but I sat and played and moulded with my hands and let my head relax.

It's a lesson I am learning about myself. I need to create. Even if it isn't for a purpose. I need to give access to the part of my brain that doesn't see in numbers and letters but in colour and shape and texture.

I wonder, do you ever feel a real need to create something?


  1. I know just how you feel,Abi....and the result here is absolutely beautiful.

  2. Yup! Gotta get into the 'zone' every now & then. Makes me feel satisfied!! Love your rose:):)

  3. Great little rose, Abi! You coukd put it somewhere where you'll see it often, to remind you how important it is to you, that you take time for creativity.

    Yes, I "need to create" often - it keeps me sane!

  4. Yes! I feel the "itch" almost constantly and haven't had the chance to "scratch" for far too long. It definitely effects my mood. Lovely little rose. A perfect reminder.

  5. Very, very rarely do I not have something on the go! I can't sit in front of the tv without a project in my hands..goes back to my Mum I think. She knitted all the time when I was little

    I love your rose too

  6. I love that you have clay in your room! How many other students could've said that sentence 'I grabbed some newspaper, covered my desk and pulled out some clay'? You're so cute.

  7. I had to smile, but when I am at ends I mindlessly watch TV too until I figure out what I am doing. Then I usually head to the studio too and start puttering around. How nice that you have at least a little room for crafting at uni.

  8. I am often found painting, drawing, stitching in the middle of the night. When creativity strikes I go with it, it soothes the soul

  9. You are absolutely spot on. Creativity is something that has to be nurtured and I don't feel quite right when I haven't had a chance to do something creative for a while. It doesn't even have to be an important project. I lost my scrapbooking mojo for a while but took up cross-stitching to bridge the gap.

  10. Like Sian, it's very rare that I don't have something on the go. I may stop scrapbooking for awhile and instead get back to my knitting or cross-stitch or doing something with photos - anything. The rose is stunning!
