19 March 2015

Project Life week 7

Oh this project.
I'm going to be honest, year three is tough going. Or maybe that is because year three of uni has coincided with year three of project life!

I don't like to use the word 'behind' on this project because from experience I know it is all about the ebb and flow. The pages will come when they are ready.

I got down to this page last week and am pleased with it. My best pages happen in about half an hour. All the little bits seem to come together and they work. I think too much thinking kills this project which is why I am keeping it chilled about 'catching up!'

So this is what week seven looked like....

I had lots of phone photos this week which seem to fit well into the 4x3 portrait pockets. I like this pocket layout because I also got to include lots of pattern paper which can stand alone. I like that it builds colour across the page.

I built the left hand page around the stories I wanted to tell. I started on the top row with those contrasting sky photos which were an ideal prompt to put down more general thoughts about the week.

On the row below I added the photos from our trip to the Train Museum and the bottom one focuses a bit on valentines day. I often build my pages like this. Focusing on the photos and then working out how I will tell the story.

The second page is a more traditional format. I like to use my SLR photos to their best advantage so tend to pop them in bigger pockets. I decided to use the two photos of me side by side but switched one to black and white. I like that contrast between them.

There was lots of journalling on this page too. I tried to keep it cohesive by using the same font throughout and used one of my favourite techniques which is writing directly on the photos!

The more I write about PL the more I am reminded of how good this project is. I'm giving myself permission to take time on it this year though. Let's see how that pans out!

What are you working on at the moment?


  1. Given all the pressures of time and energy you have this year, Abi, it's amazing to me that you keep your PL going. I especially like the way each of your 'pocket cards' is designed differently. It makes your pages so interesting to look at :).

  2. I'm working on my "Sort Of A Project Life". I got sucked in..

    Your pages are perfect, no matter how long you spend on them

  3. I am amazed that with all that is going on for you this year you are keeping with this....I think it's great that you are....and your pages are great.

  4. I love that going out for a curry counts as a treat!

  5. I am working on actually doing some scrapbooking. I seem to have crocheted alot and blogged but no actual scrapbooking for a while. I must do some though r else I'll lose my badges for that craft lol
    Jo xxx

  6. I'm also amazed that you're finding any creative time at this point in your life! I always love your pages, and I'm particularly fond of the two photos of you---one in color and one in B&W. We won't be home for more than three days until the beginning of April, but when we get settled in, my goal is to catch up with my Project Life. Doing it monthly makes it a little easier to catch up, but I do have a huge backlog!

  7. Like Karen, I'm amazed that you are able to find the time for creativity what with final year upon you. I haven't even started my PL this year and I seem to have weeks with no pictures so I might be changing mine up a bit.

  8. I have a really hard time on loooong term projects. I've even given up on the "collect" iphone photo a day project.
