2 April 2015

Paint and photoshop

A while back I stumbled upon this tutorial about how to make a repeating pattern on photoshop.
I stored it in my mental list of things to do when I am on holiday.

Faced with a rainy afternoon last week, I picked up my paintbrushes and had a go.

The idea is very simple. Paint some patterns with watercolours. I chose organic shapes and then various 'splodges'. That well known technical term!

I then scanned this whole document to my computer.

Once I had opened it in photoshop I extracted each shape and cleaned them up a bit.

I then opened a new document and copied and pasted to my hearts content, adjusting the hue, the size and rotation of each shape. It was incredibly fun to sit and play with things I had painted on a screen.
I loved that I could duplicate bits I liked and delete the things that weren't so good!
It also surprised me which shapes I had painted that were really useful 'fillers' on my design.

Once I created my pattern I followed the tutorial steps to 'tile' it and create a repeat.

I am thrilled with how these turned out. I printed both patterns off and made two little notecards.

My next plan is to make a pattern for some place cards for the table on Easter Sunday. Watch this space!

Isn't the internet a wonderful thing! A whole new world of craft awaits!


  1. Looks fabulous! You clever clogs. Thank goodness for rainy days, eh??!!!

  2. that looks fun, will definitely have to play!

  3. That's so clever - the cards are fantastic! Have saved to have a go myself :)

  4. That's so pretty. You could use it to get some fabric printed.

  5. There'll be no stopping you now! Isn't it fun? This is just beautiful ...

  6. Oh! yes this is lovely fun thing to do! It's great that you made something with the patterns, I forget to do that!

  7. You are very gifted! These are lovely

  8. Oooh Abi you are so clever especially having read the tutorial you found and feeling a little bamboozled by the amoiunt of fiddling you'd have had to do. I hope your placecards come out beautifully
    Jo x

  9. They are so pretty Abi, they would be lovely on scrapbook pages! :)

  10. Oh that is lovely, really pretty combinations - although I like the original paper too.
