9 May 2015

one photo & twenty words

She knew I needed cheering up at the end of a long week. It sure worked. What a find!

My challenge for you today. Find one photo and choose up to twenty words to tell its story. Jot it down and link back here. The link will stay open for a week so you have plenty of time to join in! 


  1. What a fab find! Will be joining in later x

  2. There's only one thing better than receiving an unexpected postcard, and that's receiving an unexpected postcard with a perfect pun :D

    Great picture and story! I do love doing this each month.

  3. What a perfect brilliant postcard!
    Oh, and complete off topic, have you seen the BBC2 program An Island Parish? It's lovely and filmed in the Falkland Islands. I think of you each I watch it.

  4. A lovely postcard - not joined in for a wee while but I have remembered this month

  5. I don't know what I like best the sign or the fabric behind it! :P Worth framing for sure!

  6. Now I'm singing the song lol. Naughty Abi.
    I love the postcard and what a way to cheer you up
    Jo xxx

  7. What perfect timing and what a perfect card.

  8. Yes, what a great find, your twenty words meme is one of my favourite and one I draw in when I'm busy but want to share something, so thank-you.

  9. Very neat! And I like the way you've styled it too :).

  10. Such happy colors. Oops I forgot to link up. Will do so soon
