The Questions:
My hair Colour is: Blonde with kind of natural darker highlights.
My hair style is: I've just had it cut with lots of layers in. It's shoulder length.
(sorry about the awful piccy i took in the mirror!) 
My Favourite brand of makeup is: not really a make up girl. only eyeliner and mascara. My fav is probs natural collection from Boots. nice and cheap! he he! (yeah my eyes really are that blue!)
My "fashionable" item is: either ugg boots, leggings, legwarmers, big cardigans or a jumper dress! too many to choose from!
My favourite outfit is: denim shorts with grey wooley tights, legwarmers, uggs and a big loose purple jumper.
I drive a: I am learning and loving it. mostly I drive my mums car!
On a Saturday I go to: school in the morning and play sport in the afternoon grrr...
On a Saturday night I go: Nowhere really as I board.
On a Sunday I go: Into town with my friends or to a movie.
Monday to Friday I go: to school.
My best friends are: Laura ( a living legend) Sammie, lucy and Rach
My favourite place to go out is: Starbucks in town
My favourite subject at school is: either photography or english lit.
When I grow up I want to be: a teacher at a primary school
My favourite drink is: Hot chocolate with marsh mallows and cream!
My favourite food is: my Mum's chicken and rice with naan bread.
My favourite shop is: either paperchase, new look, republic or H and M
I want to marry: my boyfriend. No jokes. He is amazing.
My favourite actor is: Colin Firth in Pride and Prejudice!
My favourite band is: I'm not really a band girl. I like single tracks from most ppl, if I had to choose those, Beyonce.
My favourite TV program is: This is gonna sound so sad but, Lark rise to Candleford! Lol!
The one thing I want to do but can't is: DRIVE (we're working on this!)
My most used mode of transport is: The train
My favourite sport is: Rowing. I am a cox! wooh wooh!
I recently saw Closer and thought it was awful and so confusing!
I am reading: For english, Tess of the D'urbevilles and for myself Light a penny Candle.
The big newspaper story this year is: MP's expenses scandal.
The furthest away from home I've ever been is: Four hours away at school.
This has been so much fun. please step into the time machine once more to go back to 1970... and visit Jay at

Thanks for your post -interesting answers and really made me think about what it's like to be 17 now.
Really interesting to read the facts of someone who is actually 17!!
lovely photos abi! wished I look that
great when I was your age ;)
Wow, really made me think about being 17 in 2009..I'm glad you joined the train! And now you've got all your answers to look back on in years to come!
So cool to compare your answers with mine :-)
Off to travel the rest of the way now! Thanks for driving us so safely ;-) x
Brilliant to have this record for later in your life. I really struggled to remember what I was doing at 17, although once I started things came back to me (although I may be a year or 2 out on somethings :D).
Really interesting to see what life is like for a 17 year old now.
Great pics! You look so trendy next to the rest of us "old" 17 year olds!! ;)
Fabulous post, you make me feel soooooo old (my daughter is 17!). Those photos are amazing. Good luck with all your dreams for the future, and thanks for sharing your present.
Well, that's me done. The circle is complete. Back to the train to take me home.
Fantastic post! Your photos are lovely, but you make me feel really old! My daughter is only a year older than you! Thanks for sharing what you are doing now :)
Lovely photos and so interesting to compare each blog :)
wow abi, you're photos are incredible. you're are a very beautiful young lady! loved reading your answers. my mum laughed when i told her what we were doing today........she couldn't beleive i could remember so much deatil about things. i think i've got the memory of an elephant!! lol
jo xx
ps go do ur prep!
I agree with the other comments great photo's Abi. Well done on learning to drive I've still not learnt and now really regret it. I've put it on my to be done by 30 list!!!
Sara x
Great post Abi - good luck with your driving!
Loved having a young one participate :) make a habit of doing this every few years, you'll be glad when you are (much) older
I am following the 17 train - good to see that legwarmers, ugg boots and big cardis have made a comeback...
Hee hee.. I remember being 17 (I actually was 17 once!). I didn't learn to drive as I had no money, my favourite fashion was cheap stuff!!
It's interesting to hear from someone who is 17 now. I think you sound far more "together" than I was. I didn't have much of a clue what I was doing with my life!
Your photos are really nice. Good luck with the A level. Keri-anne was going to drop by some time...
Hope you enjoyed being the Train Driver - whoo whoo!
Hmm I thought I'd put a comment, but it has swallowed it!
It was good hearing from you - interesting how much more organised and "together" you seem to be than I was at 17.
Good luck with the driving lessons btw.
The photos are really nice - I hope your A level goes well. Keri-Anne was going to drop by some time...
Hope you enjoyed being Train Driver - woo-wooo!
It's so interesting to see your replies and compare them to how things were in years gone by.
Some of our replies must seem very amusing to you, maybe we should all do a '27' page and let you see what the future has in store!!!
Lovely photo of you at the end :) So interesting to compare your 17 with mine, makes me feel very old!
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