Tiring day at skl. We have saturday morning school, being private grrr... so no break today. Did go watch the boyfriend in his rugby match. I really wish he wasn't the one they lifted into the air! Thought I'd share an amusing story today. A recent fad in my skl is this new game where you have to get someone to say "mine" in response to a question. If they say it, they have to do 10 press ups! I have been caught out so many times now and even our deputy head is joning in, causing mass hilarity!
sorry bit of a long post but will share two things before I go off to bed. Firstly, a new photograph...

taken with a Nikon D40 and edited in photoshop. And secondly a scrapbook page..

Thanks so much for visitng
Abi xxxx
Love the photo of the shoes, great work!
I love the b&w conversion of the shoes! And your blogger header/photo is fantastic! Aren't Nikon D40s wonderful???? I just upgraded to the D300s, but the D40 has a very special place in my heart.
yeah! Love my camera! Thanks for the comment, I really just love taking pictures and having fun playing around with them on photoshop! xxx
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