11 February 2010

A Few Sentances

Happy Thursday all. my current favourite picture of the boy and me from the ball. (love this man!)
I cannot get enough of the glee soundtrack!
I have to go to bed now...grrr.
BUT, it is the last night of this half term, soooo.... tommorow more blog posts (hopefully!)
Thanks for stopping by!!!
Loves xxxxx


  1. Oh, cute photo! The Boy is soo handsome.
    Have a great half-term holiday. Do you travel home tomorrow then? J. has to go to school. He will be off for the whole of next week. We are making Plans...
    Looking forward to more posts from you next week.

  2. Great photo - have a lovely break :-)

  3. love the photo abi, u look so gorgeous. have a safe journey home and look forward to spending more time with u during half term
    Jo xxx

  4. Yay, half term :-) Have a great one! x

    PS Gorgeous pic of the two of you x

  5. Enjoy half term! I think we'll all agree we deserve a nice week off, whether we are students or staff!
    Lovely pic of you and the gorgeous boyfriend.
