13 February 2010

A Very happy Abi

Woke up this morning. Heard my family laughing and the sound of my mum cooking pancakes for breakfast. It's good to be home! The kittens (who aren't kittens any more) are loving having us back cos they get a lot of attention and cuddles. Theo literally sprawls himself across whoever is sitting on the sofa! Went out for a family lunch today which was lovely so I am now nice and full, got a some new wool and am looking forward to knitting in between the crazy amount of work I have to do..grumble grumble! Lol!
So...a bit of a catch up is in order, me thinks?!
Ok. So last week I went on an art and photography trip to London. We visited the Tate Britain and the Saatchi Gallery. The latter was definitely my favourite because one, you could take pictures inside and two, it was on Kings Road! Shopping! Lol! So a few pics...This wall was covered in clay letters spelling our Ghandi's famous speech. Perfect for my photography topic! (I caught this women walking past and loved how the picture turned out)
What is this??... (Can u see the little figure of me in the spatula???!!! LOL!)
....it's this!! Pretty funky! This beautiful deer was made out of glass balls. I know modern art isn't everyone's thing but I find it so interesting and you've got to love these little chairs made by school children across the country! We walked into town and found these two lovely statues on a little alleway. Art truly is everywhere if you look hard enough. And, a bit of inspiration in a shop window. Love how these photo's are set out and the pictures themselves. Definitely a scrapping idea.
This week has been pretty standard, a lot of work and everyone getting tired and grotty but at least we are at half term now. I have been experimenting with some photos for my photography using the rose I got from the boy. I am hoping to edit these in photoshop with a poem I am studying in English...
Love the middle one with the water droplets.
Hope everyone has had a good week, stop by tommorow for a few inspiration pics....
Loves xxxxx


  1. Lovely, lovely pics :-) Those statues are great and you've made me want to visit the Saatchi Gallery! Have a fab half term xx

  2. welcome to your holiday blogging and welcome back darling. glad u are able to have a rest and catch up with ur family. pancakes....mmmm. I went to the saatchi gallery in the summer and have some photos I could share at some stage. it was weird but amazing. I love the gandi speech and the sculptures are fab.
    that rose is such a lovely shade it will make a lovely scrapbook page and poem background.
    Love Jo xxx

  3. wow, what fantastic pictures! I agree, the rose with the water droplets is amazing!
