22 February 2013

Life right now according to instagram.

Life is busy and full and fun. I have a head full of blog posts and not enough time to get them out of my head and onto the screen.

Anyway I do have time to squeeze those instagram pictures in so here is what life looks like right now and gosh what a lot has happened in a month!

Top row left to right: Finding our student house for next year and signing the paper work, getting happy mail from my mum.

Middle row: date night with the boy to such a good film, chocolate, working and lots of tea.

Bottom row: spending a lot of time in the library, having les mis sing alongs and walking along rain washed streets.

Top row: Taking photos of crazy skye, loving working in the cathedral library,  working out that I seem to hoard train tickets!

Middle row: Such lovely walks along the river with special friends and making an instagramming commitment in lent.

Bottom row: My chosen psalm for valentines day, sweet presents in my pigeon hole and a valentines card from a friend.

Yep, instagram is still up there as my favourite app. For lent a friend and I decided to take up rather than give up. We are instagramming a psalm or a proverb for every day of lent. It is so much fun to have a photo challenge each day!

As always if you want to follow me my username is abibeach.

Thanks for stopping by.


  1. That's a lovely series of photos, Abi! great the way so much can be captured in such a small space. And how nice to have similar-minded friends :).

  2. I love how these really do capture your life.
    And thanks again for inspiring me to blog my instagram photos (although in a totally different way).

  3. What engaging photos! They put a smile on my face - of course you know I'm going to say the library one is my favourite :)

  4. Love that you share these and I love your Lenten commitment.
